Govt Quiet On Liquor Debate
The Government is keeping its cards close to its chest on whether it intends to deal with liquor reform legislation next week.
Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee said in the business statement today that next week the Government intended to pass into law the Appropriation (2012/13 Estimates) Bill and the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Bill.
Asked if the Government had abandoned the intention of dealing with the Alcohol Reform Bill next week Brownlee said no decisions had been made.
A petition was presented asking the House to urge the Government to decline the Milford Dart Ltd proposal to build and operate a tunnel in Fiordland and Mt Aspiring National Parks and note that 25,425 people have signed an online petition supporting this request.
Select committee reports were presented on the:
Petition 2011/0018 of Meng Foon by the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee
2010/11 financial review of Air New Zealand Limited by the Finance and Expenditure Committee
Report from the Controller and Auditor-General, Annual Plan 2012/2013 by the Finance and Expenditure Committee
The following Members’ Bills were introduced:
Income Tax (Universalisation of In-work Tax Credit) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Council-Controlled Organisations) Amendment Bill
Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Amending Primary Function of Bank) Amendment Bill
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