ONE: The House: Alcohol Debate Wraps Up
MPs have walked a
middle road in liberalising alcohol sales this evening.
First up there was little debate about changing the
status quo to allow more store types (such as dairies and
video shops) to apply for off-licence permits and there was
no change in that area. MPs also decided that supermarkets
need not to have separate check outs and dedicated areas for
TWO: Column - New Zealand's Ageing Non-Workforce
Keith Rankin's Thursday Colum: Massey University History
Professor David Thomson, in his Winter Lecture (University
of Auckland, 27 July), described a little-appreciated
reality; that people over 45 in New Zealand and other
developed countries are less likely to be doing paid work
than ever before, despite becoming relatively more numerous.
As the age of eligibility for a public pension rises, the
average age of retirement continues to fall. People aged
45-64 can no longer be regarded as the financial bedrock of
our society.
THREE: The House: New Drinking Age Set
MPs have voted to introduce a new minimum drinking age of 18 by the narrowest of margins. The debate on 'Issue One' in the Sale of Liquor Amendment (no2) act, was taken second so that members would be aware of the ID requirements the legislation would be working under. (See earlier coverage). There were impassioned debates on the options before them.
ONE: Bossy PM Lectures Parents
MPs have voted to introduce a new minimum drinking age of 18 by the narrowest of margins. The debate on 'Issue One' in the Sale of Liquor Amendment (no2) act, was taken second so that members would be aware of the ID requirements the legislation would be working under. (See earlier coverage). There were impassioned debates on the options before them.
TWO: Shipley in touch - Clark losing The Youth Vote
"New Zealand Young Nationals congratulate Prime Minister Jenny Shipley for her bold leadership in supporting the standardisation of the drinking age to 18," said Youth Vice President and New Zealand Young Nationals Chair Daniel Gordon. "It is interesting, and noteworthy, that National Party leader Jenny Shipley has faith and is in touch with today's youth whereas the Labour Party leader Helen Clark and her (waiting) successor Phil Goff voted against lowering the Drinking age to 18."
THREE: Fight Not Over On Lowering Drinking Age
New Zealand First MP Ron Mark has slammed other Christchurch MPs for voting to lower the drinking age from twenty to eighteen last night, but warns that the fight is not over. "I have grave concerns about the effects this legislation will have on Christchurch young people. Their families, the community and the police will end up picking up the pieces of this ill-conceived legislation," said Mr Mark.