The top three rating stories and press releases from the weekend…
ONE: SCP Interactive: Edge Theory: An All Black Plane?
"The 747 I'd like to fly the world in [with the All Blacks]" - Kevin Roberts - IMAGE - New Zealand's most celebrated patriot Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide boss Kevin Roberts is back with another big idea.
TWO: Balkans Editorial: Teach Your Children Well
SCOOP NEWS ANALYSIS - The Balkans peace summit in Sarajevo this weekend is vital, yet tragically mixed up. It occurs as US fighter jets respond to "increased threats" over Iraq. Bombs continue to kill and maim - just elsewhere. The explanation we hear for the latest action in the gulf is that US planes are being lured into missile traps by MIG fighters - presumably with either very brave, very stupid or very scared Iraqi pilots on board.
THREE: 21st Century Entertainment Arrives at Queen Street
The most modern entertainment complex in the world has opened for business today in the heart of Auckland City.The Force Entertainment Centre, New Zealand's largest multiplex, hosts digital sound, stadium seating and the largest range of movies in the country. It also has a games and leisure centre which has the latest in digital games.
ONE: Funmail: Would You Adam And Eve It?
Funmail (, the Internet-based email service, today announced that it has accepted an eleventh-hour offer from investment fund Eden Capital to acquire a 20% stake in the business for UKP6.25 million. After the investment Funmail has a UKP31.25 million valuation, less than a year after incorporation and within 12 weeks of its service actually going live.
TWO: Unpaid labour on private estates of the rich
A Christchurch court decision this week has shown that unemployed people can be used as unpaid labour on the private estates of wealthy landowners under Community Wage scheme regulations.
THREE: Magna Carta Society: The Republican Debate
From time to time the issue of whether New Zealand should become a republic is raised by some of our politicians, notably Mike Moore and Jenny Shipley. It is ironic, therefore, that on the same day the leader of Australia's republican movement, Janet Holmes a Court, was speaking out strongly for a republic and who should be the first President, half a world away Congressmen Ron Paul and Jack Metcalf introduced legislation into their House of Representatives which will restrict the "executive order" law-making powers of the United States President which can override Congress and the Senate.