Peacekeeping Force Welcomed
East Timor Independence Committee
Peacekeeping force welcomed - actions continue for immediate intervention and humanitarian relief.
The East Timor Independence Committee welcomes the decision of President Habibie to invite an international peacekeeping force into East Timor.
"Finally there is some hope that the apocalyptic devastation and death in East Timor will come to an end. It is absolutely essential that the force is dispatched within hours. Reports of military and militia massacres have escalated over the weekend and there are very grave fears that those currently sheltering in the mountains without shelter or food can survive much longer."
NB: PUBLIC MEETING 7 PM Monday 13: St Patricks Cathedral : Speakers: East Timorese in New Zealand East Timor Students Association: Jorge da Conceicao Teme, Joao Martins, Australian Resistance Leader Joao Carrascalao (CNRT) Nobel Laureat Jose Ramos Horta
"Unrelenting international pressure has forced Indonesia to respond and change its stance. We will keep up that pressure . Today there will an East Timor contingent in the anti-APEC demonstration which convenes at midday cnr Symonds and K Rd.
"Activists will go to the airport and to travel agents today leaflet to begin the campaign to encourage New Zealander to "Boycott Travel to Indonesia", "Boycott Bali" and "Boycott Garuda." "
"This Friday there will be a candlelight vigil and
demonstration in Queen Elizabeth Square starting at 6 p.m."