Taiwan Plane Crash – Fiji – Israel – US Elections – Mums Get Older – Cancer Smears – ACC Decision Outrages – Rankin’s Earrings – Tua Man
TAIWAN PLANE CRASH: A bungle by the pilot almost certainly led to the crash of the Singapore Airlines crash in Taiwan. The pilot tried to take off from a runway closed for repairs. The plane crashed into construction equipment. Kiwi survivors from the crash are in good spirits. A Taiwanese prosecution team is trying to figure what went wrong.
FIJI: This morning one of the rebels involved in the mutiny was captured. 14 more are still on the run. According to the army some of the weapons are being discarded. Suva is deserted and under curfew. Insurers say that visitors will not be covered. Phil Goff says that Fiji is unstable and until there is a democratic government we will see more of this.
ISRAEL: The Islamic Jihad is claiming responsibility for a car bombing in central Jerusalem. This morning Israeli tanks withdrew. Just as the leaders of Palestine and Israel were preparing to announce a truce on TV the bomb went off. A crowd shouts death to Arafat. Arafat condemned the bombing.
US ELECTIONS: Presidential Candidate George W. Bush has a conviction for drunk driving.
MUMS GET OLDER: Women aged 30-34 are now the most likely group to give birth. In the 1970s the majority of mothers were aged 20-24. Helen Clark and Lianne Dalziel have no kids.
CANCER SMEARS: Australian experts have found that the smears of cancer victim Colleen Poutsma’s smears were not misread.
ACC DECISION OUTRAGES: ACC has stopped payments to a 55-year-old man, Tommy Alsig, who could – according to ACC – become a fitness instructor or picture framer. Alsig’s lawyer says the ruling is ridiculous. Fitness instructors are skeptical.
RANKIN’S EARRINGS: A pair of infamous earrings belonging to WINZ boss Christine Rankin are being auctioned for charity.
David Tua has given TV3 an exclusive look inside his secret
training camp. French Ranch is HQ for Team Tua. Tua is
keeping away from the hype of Las Vegas. David says that
David is happy at the ranch. David sleeps on the floor and
spends lots of time on the phone – 5 times a day to his mum.
The ranch is equipped with a nuclear bomb shelter. Tua says
there is no love lost between him and Lennox Lewis.