Christine Rankin - Northern Ireland - Teresa Cormack - Human Cloning - Computer Crime Agency - University Fee Freeze - Broadcaster Peter Sinclair Dies
CHRISTINE RANKIN: Former WINZ bosss Christine Rankin has decided not to appeal against the Employment Court decision that found against her claim for $1.2 million compensation for unfair dismissal.
NORTHERN IRELAND: Britain and Irelad have reacted positively to IRA moves towards decommissioning weapons.
TERESA CORMACK: Police have began to take blood samples in their hunt for the killer of Napier child Teresa Cormack in 1987.
HUMAN CLONING: A team of scientists are defending their plans for a large scale human cloning experiment. The doctors are not concerned about the prospect of deformed fetuses.
COMPUTER CRIME AGENCY: The State Services Minister Trevor Mallard has announced the formation of a national agency to combat computer crime, hacking and viruses.
UNIVERSITY FEE FREEZE: Agreement appears to have been reached between the Government and Tertiary Institution over a fee freeze for students next year. Yesterday the government announced a $35 million transition fund for universities.
PETER SINCLAIR DIES: Veteran broadcaster Peter Sinclair has died in Auckland of an acute form of leukemia.