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Scoop: Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Briefing by Ari Fleischer 31/7 - Harken Tax Dodge

Q I have some questions about the President's time at Harken Energy. Can you confirm for us that when he was on the board of directors at Harken, that the company set up an overseas subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, which many companies use as a tax ...

2: UQ Wire: Connecting Dots - Profits Of Death Pt. 3

Profits Of Death Part Three - The Mother Of All Enrons - All Roads Lead To Deustchebank And Harken Energy, George W’s Own 1991 Insider Trading Scam

3: Keith Rankin: From Labour "Landslide" to 2008

If last weekend's election had been held under "First-Past-the-Post" (FPP) with 69 electorates Labour+Anderton would have won 62 to 65 of those seats. This is because, when we only had an "electorate vote", we had to use it as ...
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4: Big News: Now You've Dunne It

United Future may well have been the most irrelevant party in Parliament during the last term but it is currently the party everyone is talking about. One of the talking points will be how the eight new United Future MP’s – all of them Christians - perform ...

5: 20 Things We've Learned Nearly a Year After 9/11

As we approach the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it might be useful to see how far an ordinary citizen's knowledge has progressed one year on. So here, in the way of a summing-up, based on journalistic documentation, is a list of things ...

6: No Expenditure Required

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has declined an offer from the Government to provide alternative accommodation for his party’s new members of Parliament following their outstanding success in the snap election called by Labour leader Clark.

7: UQ Wire: Investment Espionage And The White House

There is growing evidence that the FBI and other government intelligence entities are more closely linked to the documented accumulation of pre-9/11 insider trading profits than was originally thought.

8: Pressure on United Future's principles

The heat will come on United Future this week as those that put them into Parliament watch to see if they succumb to the trappings of government, or stick to their principles as they work through a coalition agreement, says National's Gerry Brownlee.

9: FTMN: The Internal Logic Of A Late Shift

There is no reason, but sometimes it is good to hear what other people do in their jobs in front of computers. I start at four in the afternoon by saying hello and sit with my back to the rest of the room.

10: United Future's position on Genetic Modification

United Future's position is as follows: We support an extremely cautious approach to GE. Indeed we feel that the original Government decisons following the Royal Commission's Report were at the 'outer limit of acceptability'.

11: President Bush Denies Involvement In Tax Dodge

Q Mr. President, what's your position on American companies moving their headquarters to foreign tax havens? Should it be outlawed? Did Harken do this while you were a director?

12: 26 Questions For Senators On J.P. Morgan Chase

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy has sent the following letter to the U.S. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and we ask that our supporters in the United States send similar letters to their own senators.

13: Sludge Report #142: Richard Butler Is A CIA Asset

In This Edition: Senate Hearing On Iraq “Blitzkrieg” Now On - Richard Butler Is A U.S. Spy – A CIA Asset

14: Policeman Admits Planting Bomb On G8 Protester

Scoop Link: Italian police planted petrol bombs on G8 summit protesters - By Jessie Grimond in Rome - The Independent - 30 July 2002

15: Scoop Images: Overloaded Boat Heading For NZ

“The information we have is that there are 56 male Sri Lankans on a grossly overloaded fibreglass boat which is only 60 feet long. Our information suggests that they are not actually genuine asylum seekers, they are Sinhilese Sri Lankans. They are single ...

16: UQ Wire: The War on Freedom (Book Review)

This book, on many levels, is a miracle, not unlike the mysterious process of Birth, and revives our collective aspirations for Hope, Peace, Justice, Joy and Life to prevail against those in power who scream for War.

17: Anna Leese Wins Mobil Song Quest

Anna Leese, a 21 year old soprano from Woodville, has won the Mobil Song Quest 2002.

18: Prebble out of Hospital

Mr Prebble was admitted to hospital last Sunday, with pneumonia. He is now being treated at home.

19: NITA: Bush Straps On His Anti-Gravity Belt

Puzzling over the president’s vow to “crush” the world’s “worst” leaders, we wondered if the following story about Boeing’s research might explain it. He is just a little giddy, as are the idiots who put this out in this summer’s silly season.

20: Northland Faces Recession

The Government must outline a strategy to save Northland from the looming recession, Whangarei-based ACT MP Dr Muriel Newman said today.

21: Iraq: Emergency Response Vigil Details

with the possibility of some kind of major attack on the people of Iraq in the near future, we're once again putting together the list of emergency response vigil details for towns and cities around the country. This is something we have been doing for ...

22: Maize Seed Tested But Other Seeds Remain Untested

GE Free New Zealand is happy to see that all maize imports will continue to be tested but believes the seed protocol released today by MAF does not go far enough to prevent contaminated seeds from entering the country. Zero tolerance and the testing of all ...

23: Stop the war against Iraq - GPJA Newsletter

A new US/British war against Iraq is being openly prepared. Justifications are being cynically manufactured with total disregard of the facts. A new humanitarian disaster will befall the region if this war goes ahead.

24: Extortion and Bribery are Crimes! Only for Some

"Put your money where your mouth is Mr Williamson and resign." demanded Peter Osborne, the Libertarianz Associate Spokesman for Education Deregulation after hearing Morris Williamson calling for a major clean out of the National Party following ...

25: Record Number Of NZers Enrolled For Election

New Zealand Post's Electoral Enrolment Centre (EEC) has announced that around 160,665 more eligible electors enrolled for this year's general election than for the 1999 election.

26: Scoop Satire: Listen To Your Editors

And the Lord sent to the Earth his exalted Editors, and the Editors spake to the people saying 'This is thus and thus is that.' And the people did know the word of God. - The Book of Rupert, chapter 7, verse 4.

27: Katya Rivas: Man Is the Result of His Thought

Let us get down to work. Start by reading John 1, 2-4 and 1 John 4, 2.

28: Labour Thrilled by Tamaki Turnabout

Saturday's election result saw Labour winning the party vote in Tamaki and Clem Simich's majority slashed to just under 1200 votes. This result shows that Labour can win in Tamaki and that this electorate cannot be seen as a safe blue ribbon seat by National ...

29: UQ Wire: Harken Energy - Bush’s No Good Trade

One key trade just a few weeks before Iraq invaded Kuwait -- but reported some eight months late after the Gulf War was over -- netted Bush close to $1 million in profit as he sold stock in Harken Energy, an oil company doing business in the Middle East ...

30: Time Bomb in the Hands of the New Government

The Aotearoa Tertiary Students Association (ATSA) said today that the incoming government would inherit a ticking time bomb in the form of Student Debt.

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