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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Complete US Exit Poll Data Confirms Net Suspicions is delighted to be able today to publish a full set of 4pm exit poll data for the first time on the Internet since the US election. The data emerged this evening NZT in a post on the Democratic Underground website under the forum name ...

2: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?

MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.

3: Supreme Court Rules Zaoui Be Released On Bail

The Supreme Court of New Zealand has authorised the bail release of Algerian MP Ahmed Zaoui from prison detention and into the care of the Dominican Friars.
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4: Supreme Court Decision On Zaoui Bail At 4pm

The Supreme Court of New Zealand will deliver its decision at 4pm on whether to release Algerian MP and refugee Ahmed Zaoui on bail and transfer him from prison detention and into the care of the Dominican Friars.

5: Zaoui Transfer To Mangere Centre Not Opposed

The Crown has not opposed the transfer of Ahmed Zaoui from Auckland Central Remand Prison to the Manger Refugee Detention Centre, but has opposed a bail application for Mr Zaoui to be placed in the care of the Dominican Friars in Auckland.

6: Scoop Images: Pro & Anti Civil Union Demostrators

Around 600 people from both ends of the pro/anti spectrum have gathered at Parliament today to mark the passage of the Civil Unions Bill. Images by Kevin List.

7: Civil Union Bill Of Significant Importance

The Human Rights Foundation believes that the passing of the Civil Union Bill is a matter of significant importance to human rights in New Zealand in the twenty-first century. The passing of the Bill tomorrow will help to ensure human rights for all ...

8: Ohio Election Fraud Uproar Blasting To New Level

The bitter battle over the stolen November 2 election in Ohio has turned into a rapidly escalating all-out multi-front war with the outcome of the real presidential vote count increasingly in doubt.

9: Scoop Images: A Media Scrum At The Supreme Court

Ahmed Zaoui's Counsel Rodney Harrison and Deborah Manning face the media outside the Supreme Court in Wellington today as they court deliberated on the bail of jailed Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui. Image by Kevin List

10: Questions for Oral Answer - Thursday, 9 December

1. ROD DONALD to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: What explanation, if any, has he received from the Chinese Government as to why they postponed an OECD seminar on raising labour standards in China and stopped CTU president, Ross Wilson, ...

11: NEWSFLASH: Civil Union Bill Passes 65-55

The Civil Union Bill has passed its third reading in Parliament 65 votes to 55. It will now be sent to the Governor General for her royal assent and then become law.

12: Evelyn Pringle: Bush + Republicans + Amway = Fraud

Former Amway insider, Eric Scheibeler, has written a must read new book called ''Merchants Of Deception''. This one time member of the Amway motivational cult has turned whistleblower and FBI witness and boy does he have some tales to tell.

13: Marjorie Cohn: Chickens Come Home to Roost

Twenty-four days after the September 11 attacks, I wrote in an article called Hoist on Our Own Petard: ''The hatred that fueled 19 people to blow themselves up and take thousands with them has its genesis in a history of the United States government’s ...

14: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes

The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.

15: Images: Lord Of The Rings Exhibition At Te Papa

In anticipation of the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the central instalment in writer/director/producer Peter Jackson's epic trilogy based on the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, Te Papa proudly announces a world exclusive and a bold ...

16: US Special Briefing at Climate Change Conference

Dr. Watson: We welcome and congratulate the government of Argentina on hosting the meeting here and for the excellent arrangements they have made. We are certainly committed to working constructively and to having positive outcomes of this Conference ...

17: Costa Rica Falls Victim to Corruption Clientelism

• The ‘Switzerland of the Western Hemisphere’ is being severely shaken by numerous allegations of political corruption.

18: Why the UN Matters to US Foreign Policy

Kim R. Holmes, Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Remarks before the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs World Trade Center, Baltimore, Maryland December 6, 2004

19: Raelians Support Civil Union Bill

The New Zealand Raelian Movement Supports the Civil Union Bill and an end to Gay Discrimination.

20: Hobbs: Network for Nuclear Disarmament

Hon Marian Hobbs: Address to Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament - "New Agenda Coalition Proposals For Disarmament And Non-Proliferation" 9.40am December 8 2004

21: Images: Smiles All Around After Zaoui Granted Bail

There were smiles all around from the lawyers and supporters of freed Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui at the Supreme Court in Wellington this afternoon following the delivery of the decision by Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias. Images by Kevin List.

22: The Perils Of A Pentagon Or Israeli Response

When Israeli F-16s knocked out Saddam Hussein's OSIRAK nuclear reactor on June 7, 1981, they struck a terrible blow. Supporters cheered another epic feat of Israeli daring, a sophisticated surgical strike to defend the embattled Jewish State.

23: Public Address 09/12/04 - Getting On

So here we are, finally. The Civil Union Bill will pass its final reading today - by a far more comfortable margin than either last year's prostitution law reform or the homosexual law reform of 1986 - and, assuming something untoward doesn't happen ...

24: The Diebold San Luis Obispo File Mystery Deepens

NEWS BULLETIN: The San Luis Obispo Election File Mystery. - The County Explain, Jim March and Bev Harris Analyse Sunday, 07 September 2003(PDT) By Bev Harris & Jim March

25: STORY OF THE WEEK: Civil Unions Final Stages (2)

STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending December 10th 2004 Civil Unions Bill Reaches Final Stages (Part 2)

26: Greg Palast: The View From My Black Helicopter

I'd just stepped out of my black helicopter to read that one of my favorite journalists, David Corn, had attacked my analysis of the vote in Ohio as the stuff of "grassy knoll conspiracy theorists." ( "A Stolen Election," The Nation, November 9 )

27: New Zealand’s Wicked Weather

Was the weather better when we were kids? Is summer getting later every year? And what’s with this global warming? It’s freezing in here! A constant source of fascination for many, the weather affects what we do, our state of mind, even where we live. ...

28: Speech: Christians for Civil Unions 9 December 200

Last time I spoke at Parliament was on August 23rd. Isn’t this a wonderfully different day from the day of the black shirts? Today, we’re here in hope, in pride that our parliament is about to enact legislation that will honour the diversity of our relationships ...

29: GLW: Venezuela - An Unfolding Revolution

If there is one thing that US imperialism cannot stand, it is the threat of a good example. Venezuela's pro-worker government is in Washington's gun sights.

30: Next American States Org Leader Open

• A below-the-surface battle has broken out in the race to be the next Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS) after previously-elected Miguel Angel Rodríguez stunned the regional organization by resigning from his post on October ...

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