The Dominion
AUSSIES EYE MERGER: Australian companies are closely watching legislation to deregulate New Zealand's dairy industry.
ANOTHER PLANT CLOSES: After 59 years New Zealand's only light bulb manufacturer is closing down with 70 people losing their jobs.
PETROL PRICE HIKE: Petrol prices have risen by three cents per litre at BP and Shell stations. Other companies are looking at doing the same.
SEX: teenage men want more sex according to a report on teenage sexuality out today.
IMMIGRATION: An English woman has been given the right to saty in New Zealand after initially being ordered out.
MAORI LANGUAGE: Tukoroirangi Morgan's use of Maori in parliament has upset some MPs and standing orders will be reconsidered as a result.
WOODCHIPS: The government's plan to lift the ban on exporting wood chips from native forests has been condemned by conservationists.
POWER: New Zealand First said they may save the power reforms in a deal with Max Bradford.
NATIONAL VP: The partner of ex National Party
Vice President said she still loves him despite him being
charged with her