The Evening Post
TIMBERLANDS: Jenny Shipley is under the hammer again for changing her story when challenged over allegations concerning her staff and Timberlands West Coast.
RINGS: Hollywood couple Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke are tipped to be part of Lord of the Rings as Galadrial and Faramir.
LEALANI READ: The family of Leilani Read mourned her at the family home today, saying she was a modest and giving person.
CABLE CAR: The Wellington Cable Car is no longer on the market. Wellington City Council have decided selling it would be too problematic but want the operators to be more inovative.
QUAKE: More than 4000 people are dead following Turkey’s huge earthquake but no Kiwis are among the dead, yet.
SUPER UNIVERSITIES: Max Bradford wants most of New Zealand’s universities to scale back research and focus on teaching, raising the prospect of several ‘super universities’.
5 STEPS: Opposition parties roundly condemned yesterdays economic policy announcement, however the industry and research sectors have given the plan a cautious thumbs up.
GPS: Some ships may lose their bearings but aircraft should be unaffected when the global positioning system is rolled over on Sunday, authorities say.
DEATH: A Tauranga woman whose body was found on a
Tauranga property died a violent death say