Auckland Gridlock - Auckland Mayors - Scott Watson Trial - Employment Contracts Row - Petrol Prices
AUCKLAND GRIDLOCK: Auckland city in grid-lock after a major crash. A truck overturned on motorway above Victoria park in the central city three hours ago. The motorway has only now been reopened and queues are 12km long. Passengers in both vehicles involved in the accident were not badly injured. Police ask traffic to delay travel and not use the Harbour bridge. The northern bound lane is now open but traffic is still at a standstill. Police estimate another three hours before traffic will clear.
AUCKLAND MAYORS: Auckland Mayors warn that MPs jobs are on the line unless traffic problems in Auckland are fixed. PM meets with Auckland Mayors. Top of the list the transport crisis in Auckland. Also on the list - permission to charge motorists at peak hour. Document also asks for money to deal with homelessness and poverty in the most expensive city. Extract from question in the house. Whether those not in Auckland like it or not Auckland is where the election will be held.
SCOTT WATSON TRIAL: Today suppression order lifted on evidence from three witnesses who gave evidence earlier this week. Witness tells how Watson met a girl at the pub who had annoyed him. "He carried on talking about killing people.. he asked me if there was anyone I would like killed". She replied that she didn't want anyone killed. Witness says they were loud and jovial to start with but the mood changed. Justice Heron: "Was it the booze talking?" Witness: "I have never heard drunk talk like that before." Another witness talks about Watson talking about killing a woman and saying, "keep an eye on the papers man." The defence opens next week.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS: Michael Cullen thrown out of Parliament after he refused to apologise. A rare and unusual punishment. Michael Cullen says he will not listen to Tory lies any longer. Cullen given a second chance to apologise but refused again.
PETROL PRICES: Calls for an
inquiry into petrol prices as Caltex raises prices for
fourth time. AA concerned about the consistency of price
increases. Government says it is not hugely surprised about
the prices. Shell has now announced a one cent rise - a
glimmer of competition