Wages of Lotto – Bledisloe Cup – Dairy Merger – Sleeping Rough – Karla Cardno – Inside Headlines – Queenmaker – Prostrate Awareness
WAGES OF LOTTO: The Dominion leads today with a report that the man in charge of Lotto is paird too much, the Government’s pay watchdog says.
BLEDISLOE CUP: The front-page photo shows a group of All Black fans on route to the Bledisloe Cup rugby match in Sydney tonight. The accompanying story reports that police were called to the All Black’s hotel in Sydney yesterday to remove a truck playing anti-New Zealand jokes over loud speakers.
Also on the front page:
- DAIRY MERGER: a report that the Commerce Commission has stomped on the dairy industry’s plan for a giant merger as potentially monopolistic, inefficient and a money loser;
- SLEEPING ROUGH: a report that a man escaped with moderate head injuries when he slept next to a railway track in Wellington yesterday morning;
- KARLA CARDNO: a report that Mark Middleton expects to be arrested by police after threatening to kill the man who murdered his stepdaughter, Karla Cardno;
Inside Headlines:
- $50
million more for tertiary education next year;
- Prove
viability for face axe says Victoria varsity plan;
Clinton visit “bonus for tourism”;
- Ministry to
investigate lack of nurses;
- Tax cuts deal “is how MMP
works” – Henare;
- Alliance tax plan just another “loopy
- Timberlands PR campaign challenged;
- Simich
questions crime statistics;
QUEENMAKER: Front of Weekend: The Queenmaker – Helen Bain reports on the rise of Winston Peters;
PROSTRATE AWARENESS: Editorial: The editorial congratulates the prostrate awareness society.