East Timor – Tax Cuts Off – Nurses – Turkish Quake – Bluefin Tuna – Moscow Bomb – Tainui And Apec – Auckland Airport – Youth Suicide
EAST TIMOR: Violence has erupted in East Timor. One UN member was killed on Monday. Today Tim Fishcher says two others have also been killed. In Dili the tension has escalated. The militia are back setting up road blocks and checking everybody on the way to the airport.
EAST TIMOR: UN Spokesman in East Timor is very worried about the increased violence and says he believes it may have been caused by the high voter turnout.
TAX CUTS OFF: The government will not try to pass the tax-cut legislation before the election. Yesterday Christine Fletcher joined Tuariki Delamere in opposing the legislation. Last night the PM said the legislation need not be passed this year. “I do not intend to be kept to wheels and deals”, she said.
NURSES: Nurses strike begins at Pacific Health Tauranga.
TURKISH QUAKE: More powerful aftershocks in North Western Turkey. The strongest tremors since the big quake Hundreds injured and at least one killed.
BLUEFIN TUNA: Environmentalists, fishers and politicians are hailing Japans decision to abide by a ruling of the UN on blue-fin tuna.
MOSCOW BOMB: There has been an explosion next to a shopping centre in central Moscow.
TAINUI AND APEC: Tainui tribal leaders deny there is a dispute over the powhiri for international leaders. Tuku Morgan says Tainui should be able to greet the leaders at the airport.
AUCKLAND AIRPORT: Auckland Airport says it will be business as usual at the airport when APEC leaders arrive next week.
YOUTH SUICIDE: Youth Suicide Awareness
Trust wants to adopt a national suicide