The Sunday Star Times lead story today says a poll shows that Tauranga people have flocked back Winston Peters, with a new poll putting him ahead of National and Labour candidates in the race to hold the seat. A political scientist believes Mr Peters success in the High Court over the winebox inquiry was behind the surge.
LOMU ON ICE - The paper says Jonah Lomu could "slice the ice" at the Winter Olympics after being approached to power the New Zealand bobsleigh team. The rugby player is said to be interested, but will not give it any real thought until after the World Cup,
EAST TIMOR - NZ police returned home last night after East Timor voted overwhelmingly to throw off Indonesian rule. Independence supporters fear a bloodbath by pro-Jakarta militias.
Inside the paper:
DOUGHERTY - The Justice Ministry is seeking new DNA tests from David Dougherty - two and a half years after independent analysis cleared him for a rape he was jailed for.
COLUMNS - Ruth Laugesen writes on Auckland voters
deserting National. Ian Templeton writes on the select
committee review on defence. Patrick Smellie writes on his
experiences in East