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a) Indonesian military have been running rampant since East Timor's people voted overwhelmingly for independence in an Aug. 30 referendum. (AP Photo/Emmanuel Dunand, Pool)
b) War ships from the United States and New Zealand dock in Darwin ready for Timor. (AP Photo/Brian Cassey)
1) "There is no God left in E Timor, only evil" 14/09/99 (THE TIMES) "THERE is no God left in East Timor," the young seminarian just escaped from there said. "All the time I was praying and I felt no God, only evil." Now in hiding in a West Timor church, the frightened boy described what he had seen in his home town of Bobonnaro. US wants rapid deployment of force.
2) US wants rapid deployment of force. 14/09/99 (AFP) WASHINGTON - The United States called Monday for rapid authorization by the UN Security Council of a multinational force for strife-torn East Timor despite Jakarta’s concern about the composition of the force.
3) UN will determine make-up of Timor force, Annan says 14/09/99 (AFP) UNITED NATIONS - Secretary General Kofi Annan insisted on Monday that the UN would determine the makeup of the international force for East Timor, amid a looming confrontation over its composition. In Jakarta, the chairman of Indonesia’s ruling Golkar party had called for the exclusion of five countries, including Australia and the United States, from the force.
4) Wiranto agreed UN force after seeing chaos of Dili 14/09/99 (The Guardian) "Wiranto was at a loss for words," said one of the ambassadors after the visit on Saturday. "He couldn’t explain it even to himself."
5) Indonesia’s Moment of Shame 14/09/99 (Jakarta Post) For a nation that prides itself on being one of the few in the world to constitutionally enshrine the principle of "just and civilized humanity", Indonesians should be appalled by events currently taking place in East Timor.
6) Military intrigue and abuses in E. Timor widespread 14/09/99 (Jakarta Post) DILI, East Timor: The winners did not take all, but instead suffered great pain. The most bizarre and ultimately tragic phenomenon in East Timor is that soon after the people democratically expressed their wish to part ways with Indonesia, it was not the victors, but the losers, who took to the streets to "celebrate" the outcome.
7) UN’s Mary Robinson zeros in on Indonesian officers 14/09/99 (Jakarta Post) JAKARTA: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) Mary Robinson said on Monday that military personnel should be prosecuted for any rights abuses in East Timor and recommended the formation of an international commission to investigate allegations.
8) Indonesia lending on hold due to Bank Bali 14/09/99 (Jakarta Post) COPENHAGEN: The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will not extend any new loans to Indonesia until the Bank Bali scandal has been cleared up, World Bank President James Wolfensohn said on Monday.
9) Refugee Crisis in West Timor 14/09/99 (ETHRC) The East Timor Human Rights Centre (ETHRC) is deeply concerned about the plight of the growing numbers of East Timorese refugees in West Timor.
10) Death Squad commanders Tavares and Guterres terrorising in West Timor 14/09/99 (ETHRC) The East Timor Human Rights Centre (ETHRC) is deeply concerned at the presence of militia Supreme Commander, Joao Tavares and Deputy Commander Eurico Guterres in West Timor. The ETHRC has today confirmed their presence. Tavares is operating in Atabai, Atambua and surrounding areas, and Guterres in Kupang and surrounding areas.
11) Rev Francisco de Vasconcelos Ximenes confirmed killed 14/09/99 (ETHRC) The East Timor Human Rights Centre (ETHRC) has confirmed that Rev. Francisco de Vasconcelos Ximenes, of the Gereja Kristetn di Timor Timur (GKTT or Christian Church in East Timor), has been shot dead. The perpetrators were militia, in the company of Indonesian police.
12) German Jesuit priest executed 14/09/99 (TAPOL) At about 11pm on Saturday September 11th Fr Karl Albrecht SJ (also known in Indonesia as Karim Arbie) was executed. Fr Albrecht worked in Dili Diocese in social action for some years and was appointed JRS East Timor Director early this year.
13) A Jewish Perspective on East Timor 13/09/99 (by Shepard Forman) Hidden from public view through years of Indonesian closure, ignored by the great powers who sought to appease Indonesia or profit from its markets, overshadowed by Cold War concerns and the struggle over apartheid, the East Timorese have struggled valiantly for their survival and their freedom.
14) Noam Chomsky on Timor. 14/09/99 (Zmag) The tragedy of East Timor has been one of the most awesome of this terrible century. It is also of particular moral significance for us, for the simplest and most obvious of reasons. Western complicity has been direct and decisive
15) 3) The Final Solution 11/09/99 (ETISC) Since earlier this year the Indonesian military have been working to undermine the search for a solution to the East Timor conflict.
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