The Evening Post
STADIUM: Wellington Stadium will only be allowed six night time events per year, due to resource consents - a move which will cost the capital some big acts.
WATSON APPEAL: Scott Watson's lawyers have filed appeal papers.
NIWA: NIWA are predicting world wide tidal flooding next July 4 due to orbital phenomena.
TIMOR: The East Timor mission has received backing from the opposition despite the real risks to the troops the government will send.
DRIVER ATTACKED: A Petone driver was hit on the head, bound and gagged and locked in a shop cupboard during a robbery last night.
SULTAN TIPS: The Sultan of Brunei tipped police officers $20,000 for looking after him when he was here at APEC. The cops don't get to keep the money.
EQUIPMENT: The army is taking radio equipment into East Timor that was used in the Vietnam war.