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Scoop Today - The Week's Top 20

The past week's top 20 rating items on Scoop were...

1: US Intelligence Say Habibie “Right Type Of Person"

Recently declassified documents from the US Commerce Department reveal the Clinton White House intelligence report on Indonesian President, B.J. Habibie. In the CIA’s opinion Habibe is "the type of official needed today in developing countries." ...

2: The Implications Of The CTU Scoop Censorship

As a journalist working extremely hard to produce a service that I want to be the best of its kind I am angered and astounded that the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions seems set on trying to undermine Scoop Media.

3: Scoop Opinion: Fire In The Sky

As Kiwi and Aussie diggers hunker down in Dili tonight their future is being decided not at home - where loved ones wait and elected leaders worry - but in Jakarta where the worries of East Timor are increasingly playing second fiddle to a domestic political ...

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4: Burglars Commit 20,000+ Privacy Heist - Wishart

The author of a bestselling book on privacy says a burglary that’s netted criminals the names, addresses and possibly even credit card details of thousands of New Zealanders may be the biggest ever privacy breach in this country.

5: Rankin - Ansett NZ Pilots Confront 90s' Reality

For most of this month, Ansett New Zealand pilots have been in dispute with their employer. Ansett New Zealand is 100% owned by News Corporation (meaning media magnate, Rupert Murdoch). The dispute is not just about Ansett.


They show what appear to be Indonesian troops gunning down a youth in the street's of East Timor as he runs away.

7: Anti Independence Coalition Forms In Timor

Militia leaders are saying let the UN troops die of malaria while Indonesian troops watch with apparent bemusement as members of the UN forces arrive in East Timor dressed in heavy battle fatigues, armoured vests, full packs and ammunition belts in the ...

8: Bluff oysters are on the summer menu for last Time

Bluff oyster lovers rejoice. You’re in for a rare treat with the announcement today that a national supermarket chain is stocking about one million of the southern delicacy.

9: The Phenomena Of 'PC Rage'

What would you think if....the person sitting at the desk next to you was to stand up right now and began yelling profanities, 'head-butting' their monitor or pick up their PC and throw it to the ground?

10: Scoop Images: Air New Zealand’s All Black Plane

Air New Zealand has added the All Blacks front row to the side of their newest Boeing 747 which will take Taine Randell and the All Blacks to the World Cup.

11: Labour Promises 62 New Ministries - Sowry

Labour has promised to create 62 Ministers, Ministries, Offices, Funds says Roger Sowry. See the list here.

12: Deceit And Deception - US Dealings in Indonosia

Deception, Deceit and Betrayal - More revelations today from official declassifed US Commerce Department documents on United States government dealings in Indonesia. John Howard reports, "Follow the Money."

13: Militia Control Camps - Hostilities Intensify

As hostilities against western journalists and aid workers intensify in East and West Timor tonight, Scoop speaks to World Vision worker and journalist, James Addis. He has been camped up in Kupang, West Timor since Saturday night [NZ Time] and describes ...

14: Scoop News Analysis: East Timor - The End Game

What is really going on in East Timor and Jakarta? Scoop's Alastair Thompson surveys the limited sources of information currently available and attempts to reconcile what is clearly a very complicated crisis.

15: Minister Pays Tribute To Former Chief Censor

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Jack Elder has paid tribute to the former Chief Censor of Film and Literature, Kathryn Paterson, who died yesterday in Sydney.

16: Sky Loses Replay Rights To News And Holmes

TV ONE has today advised SKY Network Television Ltd of its intention to withdraw the rights to replay One Network News and Holmes.

17: Oz tax move must be seen in context

"Australia's decision to ease the corporate tax rate down to 30 cents over the next two years must be seen in context," Labour finance spokesperson Michael Cullen said today.

18: Scoop’s Latest Words On Lord Of The Rings Filming

Scoop understands that some filming for the massive trilogy The Lord Of The Rings is to take place in the countryside West of Masterton.

19: Labour's foolproof employment policy

Labour's employment policy includes one concept, which is guaranteed to create jobs, said the Hon Roger Sowry, Minister of Employment.

20: "Today The Real Bludgers Are At The Top"

Speech Notes from an Address by the Rt Hon Winston Peters to a Public Meeting at 2:30 pm on Sunday 19th September 1999 at Mount Albert Grammar School, 36 Alberton Avenue, Mount Albert, AUCKLAND.

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