The Dominion
WINZ: Labour has revealed that WINZ spent more than $100,000 of taxpayer money in a bungled bid to dismiss a senior employee.
JAILBIRDS: Keeping a criminal in jail cost the taxpayer $53,000 a head last year.
HOUSE: - Picture – Sixty tonnes of House and moving equipment crawled across Brendan Beach in Pukerua Bay yesterday, beating the tide by an hour.
BAD BLOOD: Another victim of the hepatitis C bad blood scandal has died before receiving any compensation.
VALUES: Property values have slumped in the Tararua District over the last three years.
FANTASY: Auckland Hospital is seeing a rising number of overdoses from the designer drug Fantasy and staff say a death is inevitable.
TREATY: Three Treaty of Waitangi settlements may be pushed through before the election on Saturday by Sir Doug Graeme.
UPTON: Cabinet Minister Simon Upton has been appointed to the Privy Council by Tony Blair’s office.