Aucklanders let down by council decision
Aug 11, 2000
Aucklanders let down by council decision
Aucklander and Green MP Nandor Tanczos said today he was outraged that the Auckland City Council was pushing ahead on the water pipeline from the Waikato River, without properly looking at alternatives.
Yesterday the council decided by 12 votes to four to reaffirm support of the $155 million project, with Mayor Christine Fletcher losing a bid to refer the matter to the city works committee for further consideration.
"The council has also refused to wait for the nationwide study on urban water systems to be completed," Mr Tanczos said.
"As part of the study process, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Morgan Williams has recently published his report 'Ageing Pipes and Murky Waters: Urban Water System Issues for the 21st Century' which says, 'There is compelling need to develop a clearer understanding of the sustainability implications of urban water systems..' and 'This can be contrasted with the traditional approach to urban water systems with large pipes and treatment plants'."
"Clearly Auckland City Council is living in the past," Mr Tanczos said. "Basic conservation measures such as reducing the size of toilet cisterns, using more efficient shower heads and the stopping of leaks could save the same amount of water the planned pipeline would provide."
Mr Tanczos said he agreed with one of the dissenting councillors, Maire Leadbeater, that the planned treatment of the piped water was likely to let many of the Waikato River's pollutants through to householders' taps.
"It may meet the water standard we have now, but in this case what we don't know may well hurt us," he said.
Note: Mr Tanczos along with the Water Pressure Group, Friends of the Earth, Citizens Against Privatisation and opponents of Meremere landfill, will hold a public meeting at the Fickling Centre, Three Kings, cnr of Mount Eden and Mount Roskill Roads at 7.30pm on August 23.