Wool Industry Restructuring Vote Welcomed
National's Agriculture Spokesperson Gavan Herlihy has welcomed the overwhelming mandate farmers have given for a major restructuring of the wool industry.
"Over 90% of
farmers have voted for change, giving both the Board and the
Government a clear mandate to progress much needed
restructuring of the Wool Board.
"While farmers support change, understandably there is varying support for each of the recommendations of the McKinsey report. I urge the Wool Board to immediately appoint the 'Implementation Project Team' to scope these recommendations further.
"Until the definitive business plans have been worked through farmers cannot be expected to give definitive, positive backing to each of the recommendations in the McKinsey Report. Thus the hard work has just begun.
"Areas which will require further detailed work include access to reserve funds by grower-initiated companies other than to just the two new commercial wool marketing companies, one for fine wool and the other for strong wool, as recommended in the McKinsey Report.
"Also many growers, while supportive of change, believe the proposals for research and development funding will require closer scrutiny.
"The last National administration believed the status quo was not an option and challenged the wool industry to progress change. The positive support from farmers for the general direction of the McKinsey recommendations indicates the wool industry has taken up that challenge," Gavan Herlihy said.