Taupo and Chathams to get $152,500 for development
3 October 2001 Media Statement
Taupo and Chathams to get $152,500 for regional development
Taupo and the Chatham Islands are each taking another step toward guaranteeing a strong economic future.
Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton today welcomed Taupo and the Chatham Islands joining Industry New Zealand's Regional Partnership Programme and receiving $92,500 and $60,000 respectively to develop regional economic development plans.
"This is excellent news for both regions," said Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton.
"I know that in both regions the partnerships will have significant benefit to local people through the Regional Partnerships Programme.
"I visited both regions recently and was impressed with progress in both regions.
"The ideas that each plan needs will come from local people committed to making their regional economy work," said Jim Anderton.
The partnership grants can be up to $100,000 for regional plans and up to $100,000 for making sure the plans can be implemented (capability building). Funding of up to $2 million per region is available to contribute to major regional initiatives that come out of the strategies developed in the first two stages.
Nineteen regions have secured grants in the previous four rounds of the Regional Partnership Programme. This round sees the total already committed to regional partnerships reach $2,513,817 for 21 regions.
The full list of regions
in past rounds can be found
3 October 2001 Media Statement
Chatham Islands to get $60,000 for regional development
The Chatham's are getting a strong boost for their economic future.
Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton today welcomed the Chatham Islands joining Industry New Zealand's Regional Partnership Programme and receiving $60,000 to develop regional economic development plans.
"This is excellent news for the Chathams," said Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton.
"I know that in the Chathams the Regional Partnership Programme will have a significant benefit for local people, and I am pleased to see such a positive role being played by the District Council which is leading the local development plan.
"I urge Chatham Islanders to get behind their plan. The ideas that each regional plan needs will come from local people committed to making their regional economy work," said Jim Anderton.
The other region to receive funding from Industry New Zealand today is the Taupo which will receive $92,500.
The partnership grants can be up to $100,000 for the regional plans and up to $100,000 for making sure the plans can be implemented (capability building). Funding of up to $2 million per region is available to contribute to major regional initiatives that come out of the strategies developed in the first two stages.
Nineteen regions have secured grants in the previous four rounds of the Regional Partnership Programme. This round sees the total already committed to regional partnerships reach $2,513,817 for 21 regions.
full list of regions in past rounds can be found
3 October 2001 Media Statement
Taupo region to get $92,500 for regional development
Taupo is taking another step toward guaranteeing a strong economic future.
Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton today welcomed Taupo joining Industry New Zealand's Regional Partnership Programme and receiving $92,500 to develop regional economic development plans.
"This is excellent news for Taupo," said Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton.
"I know that in Taupo the partnership will release innovative and forward-thinking. There will be significant benefits to local people through the Regional Partnerships Programme, which is being led by the District Council.
"I visited the region recently and was impressed with the ideas and planning being discussed to take Taupo forward.
"Each regional plan needs ideas and proposals from local people committed to making their regional economy work. In Taupo many people have been involved and local groups, councils and iwi have been part of the process," said Jim Anderton.
The other region to receive funding from Industry New Zealand today is the Chatham Islands who will receive $60,000.
The partnership grants can be up to $100,000 for the regional plans and up to $100,000 for making sure the plans can be implemented (capability building). Funding of up to $2 million per region is available to contribute to major regional initiatives that come out of the strategies developed in the first two stages.
Nineteen regions have secured grants in the previous four rounds of the Regional Partnership Programme. This round sees the total already committed to regional partnerships reach $2,513,817 for 21 regions.
The full list of regions in past rounds can be found at: http://www.industrynz.co.nz/news/media/2001/0710_regional_boost.shtml