Justice Minister's latest ploy to 'look tough'
Justice Minister's latest ploy to 'look tough'
National's Police spokesman Tony Ryall says the "get tough on paedophiles" plan put up by the Justice Minister won't protect a single child from the risk of abuse.
The Parole (Extended Supervision) and Sentencing Amendment Bill introduced this afternoon will give the Corrections Department the power to recommend certain sexual offenders be "supervised" at the end of a sentence.
"This Bill cannot work," says Mr Ryall. "All it will do is monitor where our worst sexual predators are, not who they are with."
"How can attaching an electronic bracelet to a sexual offender - even for ten years - do anything to stop them reoffending? It won't," he says.
"The Justice Minister promised extended supervision of repeat offenders that would work. He even hinted at 24-hour in-person supervision.
"Nothing in this Bill would have stopped Barry Allan Ryder molesting young children in Christchurch while "under supervision". Nor would it have stopped Lloyd Alexander McIntosh in Palmerston North.
"This Bill is
nothing but a gimmick to appear tough on crime. It is
discredited from day one," says Mr Ryall.