More ‘promise and hope’ policies from Clark
John Key MP
National Party Leader
30 October 2008
More ‘promise and hope’ policies from Clark
“Between smear campaigns, Helen Clark’s announcements in this election are divided into two categories: ‘the could’ve been’ variety that she wanted to make, and the ‘promise and hope’ variety that she has announced but has no idea how to pay for.”
National Party Leader John Key is commenting on Labour’s latest spending announcement, which once again has no detail on how it will be paid for.
“Today she added to the ‘promise and hope’ column by making a rushed $50 million a year announcement on Transitional Assistance in response to National.
“This brings the total number of uncosted policies announced by Helen Clark since the pre-election opening of the books to at least 30.
“It’s poorly thought through and reactionary. National’s package, coming out tomorrow, will be of a broadly similar size but better structured.
“However, the big difference is whether the policy is real or not. National’s is part of our fully costed and fully funded fiscal package.
“Labour’s is part of Helen Clark’s patented ‘promise and hope’ programme.
“Labour’s only response to challenges about where the money comes from is a message to wait for a mini-Budget after the election. That will be when they will undoubtedly cancel any further tax cuts for hard-working Kiwis.
“Helen Clark and Michael Cullen are fair-weather economic managers. They have no idea how to manage an economy in tougher times.
“National has made the hard choices around KiwiSaver and R & D tax credits to give New Zealanders a responsible economic package that will provide security and growth.
“One week to go in the election campaign and Labour has no idea how to do either.”