Construction begins: Tauranga Road of National Significance
Hon Steven
Minister of
19 November 2010
begins on Tauranga Road of National Significance
Construction on the Tauranga Eastern Link Road of National Significance is under way, with physical works beginning – six months earlier than originally planned.
Transport Minister Steven Joyce, who attended an event to mark the start of construction, says the Tauranga Eastern Link was identified as road of national significance last year because of the safety and productivity gains it will bring both regionally and nationally.
”It is estimated that on average 200 to 250 people will be working on the project at any given time over the next five years, with more jobs expected to be created or retained in support industries and the wider regional economy.
"In the longer term, the new road will boost productivity, improve access to the Port of Tauranga and greatly enhance safety."
It's estimated that the new road will shave up to 24 minutes off travel time for a return journey between Paengaroa and Te Maunga.
"As well as shortening the journey for motorists and reducing transport costs for business, greater efficiencies and access to the Port of Tauranga will help increase the volume of exports and in turn the growth of the region," says Mr Joyce.
"It will also bring significant safety gains on State highway 2 between Tauranga and Paengaroa, which is ranked second worst in the country per kilometre for fatal and serious injury crashes by the KiwiRap programme."
”It's great to see such solid progress and to know that the very significant benefits of this project will now be felt even earlier.”
The road is estimated to cost a total of $455 million in today's dollars