TICS Amendment Bill a check on Minister’s powers
ICT Spokesperson
17 September 2015 MEDIA STATEMENT
TICS Amendment Bill a check on Minister’s powers
Clare Curran’s Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Amendment Bill will restrict the unfettered powers granted to the GCSB and its Minister.
“The TICS Act, alongside the GCSB Amendment Act, granted extraordinary surveillance powers to the GCSB and its Minister in 2013.
“My Bill creates a Technical Advisory Board to act as a crucial independent buffer against the GCSB and a Government minister exercising surveillance powers with no independent scrutiny or accountability.
“The Bill will require any matter referred to the Minister where they exercise discretion or recommend prescribing an additional area of specified security interest be referred to the Technical Advisory Board for analysis and recommendations.
“The Board will comprise equal representatives from government and the industry, with an independent chair.
“New Zealanders must be reassured that measures to ensure the security of our public and private sector entities are balanced by measures to protect their privacy.
“I call on all Members of Parliament who have concerns over surveillance and privacy to support this Bill,” says Clare Curran.