Loopy rules report contains loopy broadband suggestions
Clare Curran
ICT Spokesperson
22 September 2015
Loopy rules report contains loopy broadband suggestions
The Government seems intent on putting the ultrafast broadband scheme at risk in a “loopy rules reduction” report released today by suggesting new infrastructure connections be optional, Labour’s ICT spokesperson Clare Curran says.
“The Rules Reduction Taskforce report cited an ‘opportunity’ to ‘Make new infrastructure connections optional and negotiable’.
“This is yet another example of a disjointed government where Ministers are seemingly working against each other.
“If developers opted out of having to provide internet connections to new or redeveloped properties this would be a significant own goal for the government that would put the viability of the costly UFB scheme at risk, and be a blow to communities.
“Minister Amy Adams needs to can this loopy idea and explain to Paula Bennett how making broadband connections optional in new developments would hold back New Zealand communities and jeopardise the UFB rollout,” says Clare Curran.