Reinvigoration of NZ-Australia SEM agenda
Hon Todd
Minister of
28 October
2016 Media Statement
Reinvigoration of NZ-Australia SEM
Trade Minister Todd
McClay says New Zealand and Australia have outlined a series
of initiatives and agreed a process to reinvigorate the New
Zealand-Australia single economic market agenda.
"The Closer Economic Relations agreement (CER) with Australia was New Zealand's first free trade agreement over thirty years ago, and today we are two of the most integrated economies in the world.
"The single economic market agenda is about reducing barriers and encouraging trans-Tasman economic growth," says Mr McClay.
The initiatives were discussed during a meeting of economic ministers, convened by Mr McClay and Australian Trade Minister Steven Ciobo at the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF) in Sydney today.
In addition to the Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline announced by Deputy Prime Minister Bill English and the Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison, Ministers instructed officials to intensify efforts to deliver benefits from the single economic market.
"The ANZLF is an annual opportunity to discuss the single economic market agenda with business, as well as progressing specific initiatives,” says Mr McClay.
The joint communique between Ministers McClay and Ciobo is available on MFAT website