Ngāpuhi mandate proposal to vote
Ngāpuhi mandate proposal to vote
Ngāpuhi rangatira and Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little have unanimously agreed to move towards negotiations by taking the vote to the people after meeting at Parliament tonight.
The hui was to finalise the evolved mandate proposal so Ngāpuhi iwi can consider the decision to vote.
“I’d like to acknowledge the hard work of all those involved in developing the evolved mandate proposal. We’ve had successful consultation hui throughout New Zealand and Australia where we listened, processed feedback and got to the stage where 110 hapū of Ngāpuhi can vote,“ said Andrew Little.
Hone Sadler the chair of Tūhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority said this is a major achievement and the result of a lot of hard work.
“I am delighted we have been able to reach this stage of agreement so that Ngāpuhi can confirm their way forward,” said Mr Sadler.
Te Kotahitanga representatives Rudy Taylor and Pita Tipene said it’s time for Ngāpuhi to have our say. “We have gone too far not to go further. We have done too much not to do more,” said Mr Taylor.
The evolved mandate hapū endorsement and voting process runs from 9 November to 7 December.
“All Ngāpuhi are encouraged to participate in the evolved mandate endorsement process and vote,” said Mr Little.