$8 million available for community conservation projects
$8 million available for community conservation projects
Community organisations, iwi and landholders will be able to apply for grants from an $8 million conservation fund to help save our native plants, birds and insects and habitats, Conservation Minister, Eugenie Sage announced today.
Biodiversity protection will be the focus of the 2019 funding round for the Department of Conservation’s Community Fund.
Grants from the Fund help community organisations, councils, iwi and private landowners carry out practical conservation projects such as controlling weed and animal pests, planting and restoring habitats on private, Maori and public land so New Zealand’s indigenous plants and wildlife can thrive.
“With 4,000 indigenous plants and wildlife threatened or at risk of extinction, community action for conservation is essential if we are to reverse the decline of our biodiversity,” Eugenie Sage said.
Feedback from community groups, iwi and councils has led to changes in the Fund’s operation.
“Application forms and guidance are now live on the Department of Conservation (DOC) website to give potential applicants three months lead in time to plan and prepare their applications, substantially more than in previous years.
“The time between making an application and getting a decision is likely to be shorter as a result of changes in the decision making process.
“The intention is that groups will be able to get stuck in, start their projects sooner, and focus on what’s important – doing the mahi to restore indigenous biodiversity in their communities,” Eugenie Sage said.
The funding round goes from 25 February to 22 March 2019, with funding decisions announced mid-year. For more information and applications forms, visit DOC’s website: www.doc.govt.nz/doc-community-fund.