Future of NZPost on the line this election
"Only the election of a Labour-led Government will guarantee that New Zealand Post is not sold to foreign interests," Labour spokesperson on state owned enterprises Paul Swain said today.
"We know both National and Act want to privatise NZPost. And our experience of past privatisations tells us that when assets are sold, the ownership tends to go overseas - either directly or indirectly as the initial investors on-sell their shares.
"When Bill English took over as Treasurer in
July, he told NZPA that the sale of TVNZ, New Zealand Post
and other assets would be on the agenda next year if
National was re-elected.
And Act has assumed the sale of
TVNZ in preparing its shonky fiscal costings.
"It has also this week called for NZPost to be sold.
"I therefore challenge the Prime Minister to come clean and tell the public whether National would sell NZPost - yes or no - in the unlikely event that it becomes government.
"Voters in small town and rural New Zealand, who rely on NZPost services, need to know so that they can cast an informed vote on polling day.
"Under Labour NZPost will not be sold," Mr Swain said.