Mixed messages raise concerns
Mixed massages raise concerns for Te Taumata Kaumatua Ngapuhi nui tonu, and Te Wakaminenga O nga Hapu Ngapuhi.
At the conclusion of the Waitangi Tribunal Whangaroa Tai Whenua hearing week recently, questions were raised in regards to representation to the working party of Te Kotahitanga o nga Hapu Ngapuhi.
Te Taumata Kaumatua Ngapuhi nui tonu and Te Wakaminenga o nga Hapu Ngapuhi spokes person Bryce Smith has questions regards Hapu Kai-korero representatives to Tuhoronuku, not only administering Tribunal hearings as claimant groupings but also representatives on the working party to Te Kotahitangi o nga Hapu Ngapuhi.
Many claimants delivering evidence in the Whangaroa hearings week, are Hapu kai-korero, supporting a direct negotiations process within Tuhoronuku. A process that has been rigorously apposed by Te Kotahitangi o nga hapu Ngapuhi in the past.
The working party of Te
Kotahitanga o nga Hapu Ngapuhi who has representatives from
region's within Ngapuhi hearings district, has Hapu
kaikorero supporting the direct negotiations process of
Tuhoronuku, and the hearings process of Te Kotahitanga.
dollar each way so to speak.
Are the Co chairs Pita
Tipene and Rudy Taylor of Te kotahitanga allowing mixed
messages to be sent to other claimants that support the
Waitangi Tribunal hearings process for Ngapuhi to tell their
story to the world, as to how Ngapuhi never ceded their
Tino Rangatiratanga or sovereignty to the Crown as
stated in five weeks of hearings.
(Initial hearings)
said Bryce Smith.
The stage 1 report regarding He Wakaputanga 1835 and Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 is set to be released on the 28th October this year from the Waitangi Tribunal.
Does Te Kotahitanga still have the political
support it claims in the past, to support Hearings. It’s
understood that several of their supporters have moved to
Tuhoronuku, including entire Regions, Whangaroa included it
And some have resigned due to lack confidence in
the Te Kotahitanga leadership.
Is Te kotahitanga, under
its current leadership able to provide unity for
Its understood that an urgent hearing is pending
regards the Tuhoronuku and Crown Mandate process.