Dr. Eric Chuah Pulls Out Of Tauranga Mayoral And Councillor Race And Joins The National Party Of NZ
Dr. Eric Chuah who stood for centrist party Rock the Vote NZ in the 2023 October NZ Parliamentary elections for the electorate seat of Maungakiekie and was also Immigration Spokesperson for Honorable peter Dunne's United NZ Party and Party strategist have pulled out of the Tauranga Mayoral race and councilor race for ward of Otuametai in Tauranga.
Dr. Eric Chuah said "There are many capable centrist candidates and also those on the right who see the need to foster and generate small and medium business growth, to create more jobs. By enlarging the economic cake more Kiwis can share in NZ's prosperity rather than the previous tax and spend mentality to garner voting blocs at the expense of the majority of Kiwis. Hence rather than taking votes from centrist and right candidates I have desist from running, a small sacrifice for the greater good. "
After accepting the invite to the Superblues Event held by Simon Watts National MP for North Shore at the Milford Bowling Club North Shore yesterday June 7th and being very impressed by Dr. Carlos Cheung National MP for Mt. Roskill's speech on his winning against the odds the former Labor stronghold under Michael Wood with a majority of over 1500 votes I have decided to sign up and join the National Party of New Zealand.
Under the able leadership of the Right Honorable Chris Luxon New Zealand is back on track. The current National/Act/NZ First government has cracked down on gang violence and crime, kids are back to school without mobiles to distract their studies and focus on maths, science and languages during school hours. In health NZders are treated on needs basis instead of race. The 68000 potholes are getting fixed by RTA instead of grand projects like the Auckland Light Rail which has cost taxpayers up to 10 billion NZ dollars. There are more efficiency in delivery of services via various government departments. Ombudsman and other government statutory boards which are suppose to be independent and not favoring ideology are finally back on track. Luxon and co have visited many countries in Southeast Asia, the Pacific (Fiji) to enlarge the economic cake for NZders to have more share of the country's wealth via free and fair trade and not rely solely on any Asia Pacific country which would fail high school economics in business/trade (don't put all your eggs in one basket).
Hopefully MFAT under the able helm of Right Hon. Winston Peters will ratify AUKUS 2 and as a former lecturer in Psychology at Monash University Melbourne Australia seconded to Global Terrorism Research Centre I would humbly request and lobby this good government to request the 40 F 18 Falcons mothballed in crates by the Australian Defense Force as we in New Zealand currently do not have any Forward Defense.
Our last jet fighters were mothballed in 1999 by Helen Clark's Labor government in 1999. In the 2023 MFAT report it was highlighted that there is a strong likelihood of a major war in the Asia Pacific by 2030 thus New Zeland have to be vigilant and ready to protect our nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity strenghtening 5 Eyes Partners as they may be preoccupied with this possible forthcoming war.
Dr. Eric