Salvation Army Calls On MP's To Examine Conscience
The Salvation Army Calls On Mp's To Re-Examine Their Conscience
As MP's meet in Parliament today to ratify the Sale of Liquor Amendment Bill, The Salvation Army is calling for them to consider carefully the social impact of their vote.
MP's have their last chance today to confirm their earlier vote - a vote that was surrounded by confusion, and needed several recounts to establish the final poll of 59 - 55 in favour of lowering the age. This could hardly be called an overwhelming majority when some six MP's did not vote.
The public responded in opinion polls conducted by the media in the days after the vote with an overwhelming disagreement with lowering the age.
"There is no clear majority, the public strongly disapproves, the tragedy of youth binge drinking, motor vehicle trauma continues."
The Salvation Army called on the Prime Minister to urgently re- evaluate her statement of achieving a "cafe-culture" and look deeper at the immense social harm that this legislation would cause. At a time when the government campaign is to "strengthen families" this would appear to be a strategy directly aimed at "undermining family life and values."