Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary,October 15, 2004 Part Ii
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary for October 15,
2004. Please note that Turkish press reports often contain
errors or exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch for
the accuracy of the reports summarized here.
HURRIYET/MILLIYET/TERCUMAN: Osman Ocalan, who split from the PKK
and founded a party in Northern Iraq, said, "No Kurd could or
should be so foolish as to engage in anti-American activities."
Osman Ocalan said that the establishment of his party would be
completed by the end of October. He said that the U.S. was
changing dictatorships in the Middle East, and added that his
party would establish contacts with U.S. authorities. Osman
Ocalan said that nobody could deprive him and his supporters of
the right to return to Turkey. He said Turkey was his country
and it was his right to live there. Osman Ocalan appeared before
the press for the first time with his ex-PKK-militant, Iranian
wife Kewe Sucai.
SABAH: DEHAP National Chairman Tuncer Bakirhan announced that he
would visit Europe from October 25 through November 05 with
other Kurdish opinion makers, NGO representatives, and mayors,
with the objective of lobbying in favor of Turkey's candidacy
for accession to the EU.
SABAH: The Van Public Prosecutor requested permission from the
Justice Ministry to prosecute Van Provincial Security Director
Tacettin Kurt for negligence in the case of the former Van
Deputy Mustafa Bayram and his son, Hecer Bayram. They had been
accused of raiding a police station in Van on July 7 and
assisting in the escape of family member Hamit Bayram, who had
been allegedly involved in drug trafficking. The Van Criminal
Peace Court Judge Ismail Gultekin, who had released Mustafa
Bayram on bail, has been transferred to Trabzon.
EVRENSEL: In Tunceli, the Dayilar village headman Hakki Simsek
said that he was kidnapped by Jandarma Intelligence Center
(JITEM) elements on October 12. He claimed he was threatened
with death and told to leave Tunceli by October 16. Simsek
claimed that he was blindfolded and beaten in the testicles.
TURKIYE: In Mus, police found 2.350 kilograms of hashish when
they searched S.C.'s house. S.C. was detained, and an
investigation is being conducted.
ULKEDE OZGUR GUNDEM: Twenty-seven Human Shield Initiative (HSI)
members were arrested in Hakkari by the Provincial Jandarma
Command yesterday. They had gone to Hakkari from Adana, and set
up tents at Kato Mountain to stop ongoing military operations
and to investigate the alleged use of chemicals. In Van, a group
made up of the Van HSI, the Migrants Association (GOCDER), DEHAP
Youth Flank, and the Prisoners' and Inmates' Families Assistance
Association (TUHAY-DER), announced that they were also getting
ready to travel to a mountain in the area with the objective of
stopping military operations.
ULKEDE OZGUR GUNDEM: The Yezidi village of Magara in Idil,
Sirnak province, that village guards had invaded in 1993, will
be evacuated and turned over to the actual owners. Guards from
Deskani village had been settled in Magara village and had been
cultivating the land they had occupied. The Yezidi's attorney,
Eren Keskin, documented with deeds from the land registrar that
the village belonged to her clients. She petitioned the Interior
Ministry and Idil Sub-Governor to remove the guards from the
village, but soldiers prevented her from visiting the village on
September 9. The Sirnak Governor's office instructed the Idil
Sub-governor's office to remove the guards from the Magara
village. Although the case concerning the village is still
pending, the village will be turned over today to the former
owners with a ceremony.
ULKEDE OZGUR GUNDEM: The Hakkari Public Prosecutor pressed
charges against Hakkari HRA President Ismail Akbulut for telling
reporters that chemical materials had been used in a military
operation in the Bercelan pasture in Hakkari. The public
prosecutor brought charges against Dogu Ihlas Haber Ajansi
(DIHA-Eastern Ihlas News Agency) reporter Siddik Guler and the
Birgun Newspaper reporter Hakan Tas, as well, for reporting the
case in the press.