Cablegate: End-of-Show Report: New Products Usa 2004,
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SEPTEMBER 23-24, 2004
1. One hundred and fifty-nine American businesses
received 555 trade leads as a result of their
participation in New Products USA Multi-State Catalog
Show in Kaohsiung on September 23 and 24, 2004. U.S.
State participants were pleased with the high quality
of the attendees as well as the event's organization
and facilities. Seminars on commercial services,
effective communication with US companies and promotion
of US tourism held on the floor of the show greatly
increased attendee interest and participation. This
year's event provides valuable information on demand
for particular merchandise from the southern Taiwan
market. End Summary.
Analysis of End-of-Event Survey
2. Four states participated in the show: Florida,
Georgia, Missouri and New Jersey, represented by
personnel from their economic development agencies. On
the End-of-Event Surveys, all State representatives
indicated they were very satisfied with the service and
assistance provided by Department of Commerce and the
Commercial Section at AIT, Kaohsiung Branch.
3. Missouri and New Jersey stated that they "probably
would" participate again while Georgia was neutral,
marking "unsure". On the other hand, Florida thought
the catalog show was not for the sophisticated Taiwan
market and marked "probably would not" participate in
the program again.
4. The following comments were written on the End of
Event Surveys:
"Thanks a lot for the great help from U.S. Department
of Commerce and Commercial Section at AIT, Kaohsiung
"Show traffic was much less than expected. May be
catalog show is no longer suitable for the
sophisticated Taiwan market. However, the show was
very well organized. CS staff in Kaohsiung was very
helpful and professional. Thank you all for your
"Opening ceremony was very nice. Short seminars were
also a good idea to attract a larger attendee group.
Tourism presentations were also a nice addition and
opportunity for states in the show as well as those not
present. I think it would be beneficial for state
partners to have country market briefings in each stop
and one-on-one time with the SCO's/local office reps.
This gives us good local insight to market that we can
pass on to our companies. Local staff was very helpful
and organized and made the show enjoyable!"
"Excellent support from the post, the local staff in
terms of briefing, logistic support (i.g. Copying
machine on site); etc"
5. International Trade Specialists Joe Ruland and
Jennifer Harrington represented some 96 companies
recruited by DOC from States not otherwise
Initial results from State Representatives
6. The State representatives included their trade leads
on the End-of-Event survey. State trade lead totals
State Leads Firms Ratio*
Florida 78 22 3.5
Georgia 40 10 4.0
Missouri 52 15 3.5
New Jersey 55 16 3.4
U.S. DOC Recruited 330 96 3.4
Total 555 159 3.5
*Ratio equals average leads per company
7. Two hundred and six companies pre-registered for the
event plus twenty-five companies registered on the spot
and one hundred and eighty local companies, some with
multiple attendees, meaning a total of 550 visitors,
attended. Pre-screening and pre-registration ensured
high-quality attendees for the American participants.
The pre-registration process generated substantial
background information. Walk-ins were small in number,
but of excellent quality.
Visitor Reaction
8. Visitors and State representatives alike were
impressed by the quality of the venue and set-up. The
Commercial Section acknowledges the invaluable
assistance of AIT/K Management Assistant Joe Chao in
arranging the dcor and making provision for
representatives to hang their state flags. Mr. Chao
received many compliments on this score. Two copy
machines were available free of charge to ensure every
participant had company/product information.
9. Representatives from various trade associations were
impressed by the quality of the exhibition. They
appreciated the time and effort staff of CS Kaohsiung
had put into organizing the event. From their personal
experience, they empathized with AIT/K staff over the
time and effort it took to deliver a perfect event.
10. Promotion for the event was targeted and thus
extremely effective. Using the CS Kaohsiung updated in-
house previous attendee list, direct faxes were sent
via Winfax for direct and cost effective promotion. CS
Taipei's E-Export Center pitched in to send out
additional faxes and e-mail notices. This year, CS
Kaohsiung enlisted 4 cosponsors from trade
organizations and paid for additional faxing lists to
attract more participants. Cosponsors Taiwan External
Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Kaohsiung and
Tainan Offices; the Kaohsiung City Importers and
Exporters Association and the Tainan City Importers and
Exporters Chamber of Commerce notified several thousand
potential attendees through their extensive databases.
CS Kaohsiung and the E-Export Center also worked up a
number of free press articles and calendar event
listings in newspapers and trade periodicals.
11. CS Kaohsiung sent additional marketing flyers to a
list of more than 100 industrial and trade related
associations. As noted, AIT/K takes great care in the
pre-screening and registering of potential visitors to
ensure that attendees were viable and commercial
contacts. In light of the evaluations and comments by
the participating state representatives and the number
of trade leads generated, this focused approach is
highly effective in building qualified leads for US
Value-added Support from CS Kaohsiung and Taipei
--------------------------------------------- ---
12.A press release in English and Chinese was
disseminated to local media outlets prior to the
opening. On September 23, Lin Yun-chien, Deputy Mayor
of Kaohsiung, Greg Loose, SCO of CS Taiwan, Robert
Forden, Chief of the American Institute of Taiwan,
Kaohsiung Branch and Wang Ming-Jer, Director of Taiwan
External Trade Development Council delivered opening
remarks and cut the ribbon to mark the formal opening
of the exhibition. Before the opening, SCO Loose and
Branch Chief Forden briefed delegates of the NPUSA2004
on the Taiwan market. Attendees were asked to drop
their business cards in order to win door prizes.
Business cards thus collected will be valuable tools
for further contacts follow-up. In addition, staff of
CS Kaohsiung designed and conducted an on-site survey
to collect information on merchandise/products
specifically sought after by the visitors.
13. SCO Loose and PCO Harbaugh conducted a seminar
introducing various commercial services to an audience
more than fifty. Commercial Assistant Cally Tsao also
walked the audience through the website-BuyUSA.Gov step
by step so the audience would have a better idea of the
DOC's Internet marketplace. In addition, Commercial
Assistant Wendy Tien from CS Taipei gave a seminar on
"How to Effectively Communicate with US Companies",
which also drew a big crowd of attendees. Since
tourism is one of the categories of the catalog show,
CS Kaohsiung worked with SeeAmerica Committee of Travel
Industry Association of America (TIA) in the USA and
AmCham VisitUSA subcommittee in Taipei,via the
coordination of CO Richard Craig and Trade Specialist
Shirley Wang on US tourism promotion. Representatives
from the U.S. states of Idaho, Louisiana and Montana
gave presentations on the wide range of beautiful and
historic sites in their respective states. In
addition, attractive and informative posters, catalogs
and brochures on tourism in a number of other U.S.
states were displayed.
14. This wide range of highly informative seminars and
other activities added value to the show for attendees
and state representatives alike. As mentioned, one
state representative wrote in the comment section of
her survey, "Opening ceremony was very nice. Short
seminars were also a good idea to attract a larger
attendee group. Tourism presentations were also a nice
addition and opportunity for states in the show as well
as those not present." Bringing these seminars to the
catalog show increased the level of excitement in the
room and helped vary the pace of participant traffic to
State and DOC booths.
15. Staff of AIT Kaohsiung's Public Affairs section
assisted CS Kaohsiung in obtaining media coverage that
greatly enhanced the visibility of both New Products
USA and CS Kaohsiung. The show received coverage in
six different newspapers, and garnered mention on local
television news and radio as well.
Market Evaluation
16. Despite all the effort and value-added programs, CS
Kaohsiung has noticed an obvious decrease in visitors
and trade leads. As one state representative honestly
stated in the comment section of his end-of show
survey:" Show traffic was much less than expected. May
be catalog show is no longer suitable for the
sophisticated Taiwan market." On the other hand, CS
Kaoshiung was pleased to find how many serious and high
quality commercial contacts came to the show, with most
expressing enthusiasm to learn more about American
product lines. Our conclusion is that niche
merchandise can still find a market in Taiwan. CS
Taiwan will continue bridging all interested parties
via different commercial programs and will continue to
consider, utilize and support catalog shows if DOC
continues to recruit delegates.
17. Visitors to the show expressed greatest interest in
the categories of industrial and environmental
equipment. However, some of them expressed
disappointment in not seeing more catalogs on heavy
machinery, raw industrial materials such as steel, wood
and paper pulp and automatic packaging equipment. CS
Kaohsiung will follow up with and assist these visitors
in finding their needed products. In addition, CS
Kaohsiung will forward relevant trade inquiries to
responsible trade specialists and participating state