Cablegate: Human Rights Resolution Demarches
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091056Z Nov 04
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: A. STATE 236869
B. STATE 237932
1. (U) On November 8 we presented reftel A and B demarches to
individual MFA departments for each country mentioned:
A. We presented Belarus points to Deputy Director General
for Eastern Europe Solendil, who confirmed the Turkish UN
delegation had already been instructed to vote positively
with the U.S. and EU position.
B. We presented Turkmenistan points to Deputy Director
General for Central Asia and the Caucasus Tezgor, who said
the MFA has not made a final decision. We note it should not
be a surprise to the U.S. delegation if Turkey choses to
abstain on this vote.
C. We presented Sudan points to Deputy Director General for
Africa and Eastern Asia Isik, who said Turkey needs
additional time to consider its position.
D. We also presented the Zimbabwe points to Deputy Director
Isik and department head Etem confirmed that Turkey is a
co-sponsor of this resolution.
E. We presented Iran points to Deputy Director General for
South Asia Evirgen, who indicated the MFA was still
considering its position to this demarche and a similar one
from the Canadians. We note that historically Turkey does
not vote against Iran in international fora; and
F. We presented Burma points to Deputy Director General for
Africa and Eastern Asia Isik, whose head of section Etem
confirmed Turkey was also a co-sponsor on this issue.
2. MFA Iran interlocutor Evirgen and Turkmenistan
interlocutor Emre both commented that last year Turkey did
not participate in voting related to Iran and Turkmenistan.