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Cablegate: Guidance for 13 December 2007 Security Council

DE RUEHC #6776/01 3472017
O R 131958Z DEC 07




E.O. 12958: N/A


1. PURPOSE. This is an action request. The Department asks
USUN to draw upon the following three themes for the United
Nations (UN) Security Council consultations on the UN-AU
Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) on 13 December 2007:

A) Welcome the progress between the UN and Government of
Sudan (GOS) on UNAMID deployment during the December 8
meeting in Lisbon on the margins of the European Union-Africa

--We welcome the UN-GOS discussions last week regarding
advancing the deployment of UNAMID.

--We understand that the GOS has promised to resolve all
outstanding issues hampering deployment this week.

--While we welcome the new spirit of cooperation the GOS has
shown, we will be most attentive to the new realities on the
ground. We will expect UNAMID to proceed with its deployment
without undue hindrance.

--We welcome the agreement by all parties to allow each
UNAMID troop to wear a UN blue beret, a UN armband, an
African Union (AU) armband, and a hybrid scarf.

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B) Push for Sudanese implementation and follow through.

--The international community expects the GOS to cooperate in
all aspects of UNAMID's deployment, such as by consistently
providing flight clearance, including at night; consistently
allowing access to land and water; and consistently issuing

--Regarding use of land for UNAMID, we look forward to the
GOS providing all necessary signatures for the contract for
land in Zalingei. We also look forward to the GOS providing
a viable option for land in El Geneina, as the three options
previously offered by the GOS are not tenable.

--Regarding flight clearances, we expect the GOS to allow the
UN uninhibited access, instead of limiting night flight to
medical evacuations only.

--The international community also expects the GOS to provide
a formal acceptance of the UN-AU list of troop-contributing
countries (TCCs), including contributors from outside the
African continent, this week, as promised by the GOS.

--In addition, we look forward to the resolution of the
Status of Forces Agreement negotiations. We urge the UN and
AU to work closely with the GOS in resolving all the steps
necessary for UNAMID's rapid deployment.

C) Ask the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)
to clarify its redlines on force composition and how it plans
to compensate for any adjustments to the TCC list. Push for
urgent deployment of those capabilities for which DPKO
already has TCC commitments.

--We continue to urge states to contribute the tactical and
utility helicopters and heavy transport units necessary for
UNAMID's effectiveness.

--We ask DPKO to specify what elements of the force are
absolutely necessary and what alternative plans it may have
to compensate for a lack of some elements. We cannot afford
to have UNAMID's effectiveness suffer from lack of critical

--Regarding rapid deployment of existing elements, we urge
the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and TCCs to
coordinate closely to expedite the steps required for
deployment. We are disappointed by the limited amount of
UNAMID personnel that are on the ground and want to see rapid
deployment of additional assets.

--We understand the very difficult environment that UNAMID
faces on the ground. We have heard new reports of threats
against Chinese troops deployed to UNAMID and Chinese oil
field workers. We strongly condemn such threats and call
upon all parties to refrain from any threats or acts of
violence, particularly against UN peacekeepers, humanitarian
workers, and all civilians. We urge all parties to respect
an immediate ceasefire and to allow humanitarian workers full

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access to those in need.

2. BACKGROUND. The GOS' letter dated 5 December 2007
attempts to rebut Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping
Operations Guehenno's statement to the UN Security Council on
27 November on the following: 1) The Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA). The GOS claimed that DPKO has been
delaying meetings. On 12 December, USUN reported that a
UNAMID-GOS meeting on SOFA began 11 December in Khartoum. 2)
The issue of land. The GOS claimed the UN must visit
Zalingei so it can receive its allotment. On 12 December,
USUN reported that the UN visited Zalingei and the UN is now
waiting for the GOS to sign the contract. The GOS also
claimed the UN has yet to decide among three options for land
in El Geneina. On 12 December, USUN reported that none of
these options is acceptable and is waiting for the GOS to
offer a viable option. 3) The issue of six helicopters. GOS
said the lack of parking space in El Fasher prompted the UN
to relocate these helicopters to Nyala. On 12 December, USUN
reported this is true. 4) Flying at night. The GOS said it
has given its consent to night flying "in all cases of
medical evacuation." On 12 December, USUN reported this is
correct, but that the UN wants uninhibited access. 5) UNAMID
communications equipment in El Fasher. GOS claimed the UN
did not follow the correct procedures for notifying the GOS.
GOS said the issue will be closed this week, after it gets
the necessary technical information. On 12 December, Embassy
Khartoum reported the GOS released the communications
equipment. 6) Use by UNAMID of El Obeid Logistics Base. GOS
said it has given its consent for UNAMID to use the El Obeid
logistics base, pending the establishment of a separate
logistical base for UNAMID. On 12 December, USUN reported
this is true. 7) UNAMID Accoutrements. The GOS said this
issue will be discussed with other details at the SOFA
discussions. On 12 December, USUN reported that all parties
have agreed that the uniform will include a blue UN beret, UN
armband, AU armband, and hybrid scarf. In addition, on 12
December, USUN reported that the GOS has yet to respond to
the UN-AU TCC list.

On 8 December, the UN met with the GOS on the margins of the
EU-Africa Summit in Lisbon (reftel). According to SYG Deputy
Chief of Staff Kim Won Soo, the GOS agreed to resolve all
outstanding issues with UNAMID deployment by 12 December,
including the SOFA, land for bases, night flights, equipment
seizures, visas, etc. The Sudanese also agreed to provide a
response to the UN-AU TCC list. Kim predicted that the GOS
would accept the Thai and Nepalese units, but would reject
the Nordic unit. A UNAMID-GOS meeting took place 11 December
in Khartoum to finalize agreement on the remaining deployment
issues and is apparently on-going, as not all issues have
been resolved as of 12 December.

Kim also reported on the negative replies to SYG Ban's
request for helicopters. Kim offered the idea of accepting
the Jordanian offer of pilots and equipping them with
appropriate aviation assets from a third country. DPKO had
rejected Jordan's offer only because Jordan's helicopters do
not have the right capabilities. Jordan, however, does have
pilots trained to fly U.S. helicopters. Kim asked if the
U.S. could provide the appropriate aviation assets or if
U.S.-model helicopters could be rented from Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia, or elsewhere. USUN said it was highly unlikely that
the U.S. would provide helicopters, but would forward the
proposal to Washington. The Department is reviewing this

3. POINT-OF-CONTACT: Grace M. Kang, IO/PSC 202-736-7735.

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