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Cablegate: Missile Technology Control Regime (Mtcr): U.S.


DE RUEHC #1693 3021607
P 291542Z OCT 09

C O N F I D E N T I A L STATE 111693


E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/29/2029

Classified By: ISN/MTR Director Pam Durham.
Reason 1.4 (B) and (D)

1. (U) This is an action request. Please see
paragraph 2.

2. (C) Action request: The non-paper in paragraph 3 below
provides a brief summary of Missile Technology Control Regime
(MTCR)-related contacts between the U.S. and non-MTCR
countries since the November 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary. As
part of our preparation for the November 2009 Rio de Janeiro
MTCR Plenary, we request all MTCR Partner country embassies
provide a copy of this non-paper to appropriate host
government officials. Embassy Paris should provide a copy to
the French MTCR Point of Contact (POC) for posting on ePOC as
a Plenary report and distribution to the Partners as a POC
document. Request Embassy Brasilia provide a copy to the

incoming Brazilian MTCR Plenary Chair and/or appropriate

3. (C) Begin Non-Paper:

Confidential/Rel MTCR Countries:

U.S. Contacts with Non-Partners since the
2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary

Since the November 2008 Missile Technology Control Regime
(MTCR) Plenary in Canberra, the U.S. has discussed the MTCR
and related missile nonproliferation issues, such as the
Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation
(HCOC), with many relevant non-Partner countries.

We are hopeful that through continued outreach to
non-members, Partners can promote a greater understanding of
the MTCR,s nonproliferation goals and stimulate further
interest in global missile nonproliferation and unilateral
adherence to the MTCR Guidelines.

Explanatory Notes:

General U.S. export control contacts are carried out under
the Department of State,s Export Control and Related Border
Security (EXBS) Program. The EXBS Program is designed to
help prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD), their delivery systems, radiological material,
conventional weapons, and related items by assisting foreign
governments to establish and implement effective export
control systems that meet international standards. The EXBS
program comprises a range of nonproliferation export control
assistance, from legal/regulatory and licensing workshops to
border control infrastructure, to inspection and detection
equipment and training for border control agencies.

The Tenth International Export Control Conference in
Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-27, 2009, was attended by more than
200 participants from 60 countries and numerous
non-governmental, international and regional organizations.
Co-hosted by the United States and the Republic of Turkey,
the conference was sponsored by the Department of State's
Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) program.
Conference delegates received updates on the latest
proliferation and strategic trade control challenges and
learned about developments in the multilateral export control
regimes (Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime,
Nuclear Suppliers Group, and the Wassenaar Arrangement).

"Update 2009" was hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce
(DOC) on September 30 ) October 2, 2009. "Update" is a
conference that gives the exporting community the opportunity
to learn first-hand from senior U.S. Government (USG)
officials about current issues and trends in export control
policies, regulations, and practices. It also provides the
unique opportunity to network with colleagues in the export
control industry, interact with U.S. and foreign government
officials, and learn about programs and services offered by
the USG and industry exhibitors.

Two EXBS programs which reached a large number of export
control officials and customs/border officers this year were
the Export Control Academy held at the Center for
International Trade and Security of the University of
Georgia, and training on "Tracker," a United States-funded
automated system for the processing of strategic trade
control licenses.

Contacts with Non-Partners:


From November 2008 to November 2009, Albanian officials
participated in numerous training courses on licensing,
export investigation, export control regulations, land and
sea interdiction, inspection/detection equipment, and
"Tracker" software.

Albanian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Albania attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States continued
to work with the Government of Afghanistan through the EXBS
program to build and strengthen border security and Customs
enforcement and systems.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Afghan officials
participated in training courses on licensing procedures,
implementation of UNSCR 1540, interdiction, and development
of legislation and regulations.

Afghan officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Afghanistan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


Algerian officials participated in a Legal/Regulatory
Training course at the University of Georgia,s Center for
Industry and Security in July 2009.

In June 2009, Algeria attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


From November 2008 to November 2009, Armenian officials
participated in training courses on Analysis of Strategic
Commodity Transfers (ASCOT), international air cargo
interdiction, targeting and risk management, detection
equipment, analysis of strategic commodity transfer,
government-enterprise outreach on export controls; and
munitions and arms brokering controls.

Armenian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In April 2009, the United States reinvigorated discussions
with the Government of Armenia (GOAM) to support its efforts
to amend Armenia,s laws and regulations to provide an
effective export control system for munitions and dual-use
items that meets international standards.


From November 2008 to November 2009, Azerbaijani officials
participated in training courses on end use and end users,
detection equipment and targeting and risk management.

Azerbaijani officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Azerbaijan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged the Bahamas to subscribe
to the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile
Proliferation (HCOC).

In June 2009, the Bahamas attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Bahrain of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.


In January 2009, the United States informed Belarus of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In May 2009, Belarus attended the "Tracker" Best Practices
Conference, co-hosted by the U.S.(EXBS) and Poland in Warsaw.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
provided Bosnia and Herzegovina substantial border
enforcement equipment.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Bosnian officials
participated in numerous training courses on Analysis of
Strategic Commodity Transfers (ASCOT), licensing, export
investigation, export control regulations, land and sea
interdiction, inspection/detection equipment, and "Tracker"

Bosnian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the 10th
International Export Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Botswana to subscribe to
the HCOC.


In mid-May 2009, the United States hosted a Senior Policy
Exchange with Cambodia, focusing on the importance of
nationally-based strategic trade control systems.

EXBS sponsored a UNSCR 1540 Implementation Workshop for


In January 2009, the United States informed Chile of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009 Chilean officials
participated in the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Workshop on UNSCR 1540 Implementation for MERCOSUR members
and associates.

Chilean officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Chile attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.

In September 2009, the United States briefed the Chilean
government and industry officials on the MTCR and Wassenaar
Arrangement (WA) export controls during a nonproliferation
seminar in Santiago and Valparaiso.


In January 2009, the United States informed China of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

Throughout the year the United States has continued to raise
a variety of missile nonproliferation-related issues with
China, including discussions related to Chinese entities,
involvement in procurement efforts by programs of concern.

The United States held bilateral nonproliferation talks with
China in September 2009.

Congo, Republic of

In May 2009, the United States urged the Republic of the
Congo to subscribe to the HCOC.

Cote d,Ivoire

In May 2009, the United States urged Cote d,Ivoire to
subscribe to the HCOC.


The United States continues to assist the GOC with revisions
to its export control legislation and criminal code, as well
as provide guidance on procedures for verifying end users and
export license application information.

In January 2009, the United States informed Croatia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Croatian officials
participated in training courses on the development of an
internal control program, commodity identification, detection
equipment, land and sea investigations, and targeting and
risk management.

In June 2009, Croatia attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Cyprus of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Cypriot officials
participated in training courses on export control
investigations, detection equipment, strategic trade control
assessment, and eCIT, an online commodity identification and
export control list search tool.


In May 2009, the United States urged Djibouti to subscribe to
the HCOC.


In January 2009, the United States informed Egypt of the
results of the 2008 Canberra Plenary.

Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
discussed with the GOE issues related to activities of
programs of missile proliferation concern.

In August 2009, Egypt participated in an EXBS-sponsored
International Border Interdiction Training.

In June 2009, Egypt attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Estonia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In May 2009, Estonia attended the "Tracker" Best Practices
Conference, co-hosted by the U.S.(EXBS) and Poland in Warsaw.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
provided Georgia substantial border enforcement equipment.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Georgian officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
detection equipment, boarding and port state control,
incident command systems, industry-government outreach, and

In June 2009, Georgia attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.

Hong Kong

Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States and Hong
Kong have discussed issues related to the transfer of
sensitive items to programs of missile proliferation concern.

In January 2009, the United States informed Hong Kong of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In June 2009, Hong Kong participated in an EXBS-sponsored
Commodity Identification Training event.

In June 2009, Hong Kong attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


The United States and India have an ongoing and cooperative
dialogue on export control issues.

Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States and India
have discussed issues related to the transfer of sensitive
items to programs of missile proliferation concern.

In January 2009, the United States informed India of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In May 2009, the United States urged India to subscribe to
the HCOC.

In June 2009, Indian officials participated in a June 23-25
South Asia Workshop on Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD)-Implementation of UN Security Council
Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 that was co-hosted by the U.S. and
held in Sri Lanka.

Indian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, India attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Indonesia to subscribe
to the HCOC.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Indonesian officials
participated in training courses on targeting and risk
management, implementation of UNSCR 1540, licensing
procedures and practices Workshop, and port security/port

In June 2009, Indonesia attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


The United States and Israel have an ongoing dialogue on
export control issues, and regularly consult on a wide range
of nonproliferation issues.

In January 2009, the U.S. informed Israel of the results of
the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In June 2009, Israel attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Jordan of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Jordanian officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
air, land and seaport interdiction, port security/port
vulnerability, and export investigations.

Jordanian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Jordan attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Kazakhstan of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

EXBS conducted activities in Kazakhstan focused on the
development of a comprehensive strategic trade control
framework. EXBS continued to train Kazakhstani border
security officials on interdiction techniques, and provided
technical assistance in the area of WMD-related commodity

From November 2008 to November 2009, Kazakh officials
participated in training courses on air and land
interdiction, investigations and prosecutions, and enterprise

The United States held bilateral nonproliferation talks with
Kazakhstan in May 2009.

In June 2009, Kazakhstan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Kuwait of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In May 2009, the United States urged Kuwait to subscribe to
the HCOC.


EXBS conducted activities in Kyrgyzstan focused on the
development of a comprehensive strategic trade control
framework. EXBS continued to train Kyrgyz border security
officials on interdiction techniques, and provided technical
assistance in the area of WMD-related commodity

From November 2008 to November 2009, Kyrgyz officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
detection equipment, air cargo interdiction and "Tracker."

In June 2009, Kyrgyzstan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Latvia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra Plenary.


In June 2009, the United States urged Lebanon to subscribe to
the HCOC.

In June 2009, Lebanon attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Lesotho to subscribe to
the HCOC.


In January 2009, the United States informed Libya of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.


In January 2009, the United States informed Lithuania of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.


In late November 2008, Macau officials participated in a
Proliferation Awareness Workshop.

In January 2009, the United States informed Macau of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the EXBS program has
provided Macedonia substantial border enforcement equipment.

From November 2008 to November 2009 Macedonian officials
participated in training courses on air and land
interdiction, Analysis of Strategic Commodity Transfers
(ASCOT), arms brokering controls, detection equipment,
investigations and prosecutions, border security assessment,
and licensing practices and procedures.

In June 2009, Macedonia attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Malaysia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

Malaysian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Malaysia attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Malta of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In September 2009, the United States provided a demonstration
of and training on its online commodity identification and
export control list search tool.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Maltese officials
participated in training courses on export investigations,
detection equipment and strategic trade control assessment.


In May 2009, the United States urged Mauritius to subscribe
to the HCOC.


Representatives from Mexico participated in "Update 2009."

From November 2008 to November 2009, Mexican officials
participated in activities concerning legal/regulatory
consultations and exchanges, expert-level consultations on
the Wassenaar Arrangement, targeting and risk management, and
technical consultations on multilateral export control regime

Mexican officials attended a legal/regulatory workshop on
export controls and multilateral nonproliferation regimes in
Chile as observers.

Mexican officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Mexico attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
provided Montenegro substantial border enforcement equipment
and training.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Montenegrin officials
participated in training courses on licensing, export
investigation, export control regulations, land and sea
interdiction, inspection/detection equipment, and "Tracker"

Montenegrin officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Montenegro attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


From November 2008 to November 2009, Moroccan officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
developing a national control list, and implementing

In June 2009, Morocco attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Namibia to subscribe to
the HCOC.


From November 2008 to November 2009, Omani officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
targeting and risk management, interdiction, and model law.

In June 2009, Oman attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Pakistan of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In June 2009, Pakistani officials participated in a June
23-25 South Asia Workshop on Nonproliferation of Weapons of
Mass Destruction (WMD)-Implementation of UN Security Council
Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 that was co-hosted by the U.S. and
held in Sri Lanka.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Pakistani officials
participated in training on licensing procedures and
practices Workshop, developing a national control list,
export investigations, interdiction, commodity
identification, and industry-government outreach.

Pakistani officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Pakistan attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
continued to work closely with Filipino officials in
providing legal/regulatory assistance for the development of
their export control laws.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Filipino officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
drafting legislation and regulations, targeting and risk
management, interdiction, and end-use/end-users.

Filipino officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, the Philippines attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Romania of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In June 2009, Romania attended the Tenth International Export
Control Conference.

Saudi Arabia

In January 2009, the United States informed Saudi Arabia of
the results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.


In January 2009, the United States informed Serbia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

The United States provided Serbia substantial equipment
assistance, as well as training activities.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Serbian officials
participated in training courses on targeting and risk
management, Analysis of Strategic Commodity Transfers
(ASCOT), detection equipment, interdiction, arms brokering
controls, strategic export investigations, and licensing
practices and procedures.

Serbian officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Serbia attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Singapore of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Singaporean officials
participated in training courses on commodity identification,
developing a national control list, licensing practices and
procedures, and Analysis of Strategic Commodity Transfers

In June 2009, Singapore attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.

Slovak Republic

In January 2009, the United States informed the Slovak
Republic of the results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Slovak officials
participated in training courses on detection equipment,
investigation and "Tracker."

In June 2009, the Slovak Republic attended the 10th
International Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Slovenia of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

The United States continued to work closely with the
Government of Slovenia on the procurement of export control
and enforcement equipment and training to strengthen
Slovenia,s border security integrity.

Sri Lanka

In November 2008, the United States urged Sri Lanka to amend
its export control legislation to cover nonproliferation
items, including chemical and biological warfare and related
technologies, as well as trade in missile, nuclear, and
dual-use items.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Sri Lankan officials
participated in training courses on proliferation awareness,
commodity identification, laws and regulations, and licensing
procedures and practices.

In June 2009, Sri Lankan officials co-hosted with the United
States a South Asia Workshop on Nonproliferation of Weapons
of Mass Destruction (WMD)-Implementation of UN Security
Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 held in Colombo.

Sri Lankan officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Sri Lanka attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Taiwan of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the U.S. has continued
working with Taiwan to improve its export control system. As
part of this process, the U.S. regularly discussed with
Taiwan issues related to the transfer of sensitive items to
programs of missile proliferation concern and routinely
consulted with Taiwan on export licensing issues.

In February 2009, the United States held bilateral export
control talks with Taiwan, and in September 2009 the United
States hosted Taiwan for additional bilateral export control

From November 2008 to November 2009, Taiwanese
representatives participated in training courses on
interdiction, industry-government outreach, and commodity


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has been
working with Tajikistan to increase its export control

EXBS conducted activities in Tajikistan focused on the
development of a comprehensive strategic trade control
framework. EXBS continued to train Tajik border security
officials on interdiction techniques, and provided technical
assistance in the area of WMD-related commodity

From November 2008 to November 2009, Tajik officials
participated in training courses on air and land
interdiction, licensing practices and procedures commodity
identification, and export control legislation.

In June 2009, Tajikistan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In June 2009, the United States urged Thailand to subscribe
to the HCOC.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Thai officials
participated in training courses on interagency relations and
infrastructure, port security/port vulnerability, integrity
awareness, commodity identification, and industry-government

Thai officials attended the Export Control Academy.

In June 2009, Thailand attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Togo to subscribe to the


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the United States has
provided a variety of equipment and export control training
to Turkmenistan to assist it in targeting and interdicting
sensitive items.

EXBS conducted activities in Turkmenistan focused on the
development of a comprehensive strategic trade controls EXBS
continued to train Turkmen border security officials on
interdiction techniques, and provided technical assistance in
the area of WMD-related commodity identification.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Turkmen officials
participated in training courses on laws and regulations,
commodity identification, interdiction, and detection

United Arab Emirates

In January 2009, the United States informed UAE of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

On several occasions since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the
U.S. and UAE have discussed issues related to the transfer of
sensitive items to programs of missile proliferation concern.

In March 2009, the United States and the UAE held a Bilateral
Counter Proliferation Task Force (CTF) meeting.

Also in March 2009, officials from the UAE participated in a
United States co-sponsored workshop on the implementation of
UNSCR 1540 held in Qatar.

From November 2008 to November 2009, UAE officials
participated in training courses on prosecutorial training
and commodity identification.

In June 2009, the United Arab Emirates attended the 10th
International Export Control Conference.


Since the 2008 Canberra Plenary, the EXBS program has worked
to strengthen Uzbekistan,s control of strategic trade and
border security capabilities, by conducting training for
border and customs officials and providing
enforcement-related commodities such as inspection equipment.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Uzbek officials
participated in training courses on implementation of UNSCR
1540, interdiction, licensing practices and procedures,
detection equipment, and commodity identification.

In June 2009, Uzbekistan attended the 10th International
Export Control Conference.


In May 2009, the United States urged Vietnam to subscribe to
the HCOC.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Vietnamese officials
participated in training course on developing a national
control list, interagency relations and infrastructure, laws
and regulations, licensing practices and procedures,
interdiction, implementation of UNSCR 1540,
industry-government outreach, and "Tracker."

In June 2009, Vietnam attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.


In January 2009, the United States informed Yemen of the
results of the 2008 Canberra MTCR Plenary.

In May 2009, the United States urged Yemen to subscribe to
the HCOC.

From November 2008 to November 2009, Yemeni officials
participated in training courses on interdiction.

In June 2009, Yemen attended the 10th International Export
Control Conference.

End text of paper.

4. (U) Please slug any reporting on this or other MTCR
issues for ISN/MTR. A word version of this cable will be
posted at www.state.sgov.gov/demarche. Department contact is
ISN/MTR Kimberly Hargan, phone: 202-647-3176, email:

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