Cablegate: Unsc Briefed On Situation in Somalia
DE RUCNDT #0894/01 2862011
O 132011Z OCT 09
E.O. 12958: N/A
USUN NEW Y 00000894 001.2 OF 003
1. (SBU) SUMMARY. Under Secretary-General Pascoe and UNSOA
Director of Field Support Boyd reported to the Security
Council on October 8 that the TFG has persevered in spite of
the challenging security situation, and urged the
international community to continue its political and
financial support. Boyd said that the security environment
in Mogadishu will slow the Department of Field Support's
capacity to deliver the mandated support package. Somali
Permanent Representative Elmi Ahmed Duale emphasized that his
government has made much progress, including strengthening
the overall security apparatus, but noted that the
devastating humanitarian situation requires urgent action.
All members called for international support for AMISOM and
the TFG. Ambassador DiCarlo noted Eritrea's support for
insurgent groups. The UK and Russia discussed augmenting the
current sanctions regime to address external spoilers
supporting the insurgency in Somalia. SUMMARY.
2. (SBU) In his October 8 address to the Security Council,
Under Secretary-General for Political Affairs Pascoe
emphasized that the priority of the international community
should remain supporting the Somali government in the areas
of security, political dialogue, piracy, development and
humanitarian assistance. Pascoe stated that in spite of the
difficulties of the last few months, the TFG has overcome
attacks by "foreign funded and heavily armed" groups. Pascoe
called on the international community to support the
Transitional Federal Government (TFG) via the Joint Security
Committee, stating that, "money received today in Somalia
will have a far greater impact on stability than that which
arrives in three months time." Pascoe lauded the TFG's
openness to political dialogue, including the recent
agreement between the Somali government and the Puntland
authorities. On piracy, he acknowledged the critical role
played by the international maritime presence off Somalia's
coast and urged member states, international organizations
and the private sector to contribute to the Trust Fund for
anti-piracy. Pascoe concluded by noting that, "external
spoilers must be neutralized," from Somalia and that,
"targeted sanctions can be one effective way to deal with the
3. (SBU) UNSOA Director Craig Boyd, delivering points on
behalf of Under Secretary-General for Field Support Susana
Malcorra, stated that due to the challenging security
environment in Mogadishu, including attacks on AMISOM
facilities and UN contracted ships, the Department of Field
Support's capacity to deliver the mandated support package
will be slowed. Each of the four maritime vessels that have
transported UNSOA consignments to AMISOM have been attacked.
In spite of these challenges, Boyd pointed to several key
achievements made by the UN Support Office for AMISOM
including progressively phasing down the support received by
the U.S. and its vendor as UN support arrangements for AMISOM
come into effect as planned. Boyd stated that a critical gap
remains between the confirmed financial pledges to AMISOM and
actual donor disbursements and welcomed the October 9 donors
conference in New York to finalize contributions. Boyd,
however, welcomed the USD 10 million contributions made to
the AMISOM Trust fund by donor states since July.
Somalia Permanent Representative Emphasizes Commitment to
4. (SBU) Somali Permanent Representative Elmi Ahmed Duale
stated that despite ongoing security challenges his
government has made progress via the Djibouti peace process.
Duale underscored the importance of strengthening AMISOM to
improve the security situation and welcomed the support of
several Council members for the deployment of a UN
peacekeeping force (UNPKO) in Somalia. Duale stressed that
the root cause of piracy was inland, not on the high seas,
and called for a reinforcement of security forces in order to
stop pirates from capturing Somali ports. He hoped that the
Security Council will apply sanctions against, "all spoilers
including individuals, entities and countries concerned."
Permanent Member Views
5. (SBU) All members of the Council called for international
support of the TFG and AMISOM, addressed the security
situation, and lamented the deteriorating humanitarian
situation. Ambassador DiCarlo condemned the continuing
military offensives against the TFG and AMISOM, in particular
the September 17 attacks, and urged donors to fulfill their
pledges to both AMISOM and the Somali government. She noted
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that drought and insecurity are worsening the humanitarian
situation, and that ongoing fighting endangers food delivery
and other humanitarian aid to the 3.7 million Somalis in need
of assistance. Piracy also continues to be an obstacle in
assistance delivery. Ambassador DiCarlo urged prosecution of
suspected pirates to ensure an environment in which aid and
supplies can be transported safely. Pointing to reports by
the Somalia Sanctions Committee of Eritrea's support for
insurgent groups operating in Somalia, Ambassador DiCarlo
stated that the international community should consider ways
to address this behavior.
6. (SBU) The United Kingdom said that the "situation in
Somalia remained extremely fragile," and the UN and
international community must intensify implementation of its
strategy, including by dispersing funds pledged in Brussels.
The UK expressed concern about Eritrea's reported support to
armed groups and stated that the UK is prepared to give the
AU's request for sanctions "serious consideration." France
underscored the serious humanitarian situation, reminding the
Council of the precarious security situation that has
resulted in the deaths of nine aid workers, as well as the
kidnapping of 13 others. Also mentioned was the French
official kidnapped by insurgents in July who continues to be
held. France has trained 150 TFG soldiers in Djibouti and
plans to train 350 more shortly. France also noted the EU's
interest in managing a training mission, as well as German
and Russian offers to train TFG forces. France welcomed the
Somali government's efforts to reach out to the opposition
and "expand the political space," and urged all parties to
join the peace process. Citing the need to bring pirates to
justice, France called for the creation of a trust fund to
support civilian and criminal justice efforts in the fight
against piracy.
7. (SBU) Russia focused on the security situation in Somalia,
stating that without serious stabilization it would be
impossible to significantly advance normalization or build
statehood in Somalia. Russia said that the scope of AMISOM's
mandate as defined by UNSCR 1744 is sufficient to assist the
TFG, and that conditions are not present for a "full-fledged"
UN operation in Somalia as there is no peace to keep. Russia
called on States of the region to prevent the flow of foreign
mercenaries and arms into Somalia, adding that the Council
should, "take additional steps to strengthen" the Somalia
sanctions regime. China urged the UN to play a greater role
in Somalia, stating that while deployment of a UN
peacekeeping operation in Somalia faces obstacles the
international community cannot wait for conditions to ripen.
China also urged the international community to provide
assistance to AMISOM and noted its contribution of funds to
AMISOM, the Somali government, as well as its cancellation of
a large amount
of Somalia's debt.
Other Member Views
8. (SBU) Other members of the Council expressed concern over
continuing attacks on the TFG and AMISOM, in particular the
September 17 attacks. Members welcomed the TFG's efforts to
reach out to opposition groups, including Ahlu Sunna-wa Al
Jamma, and called on the international community to support
the Somali government both politically and financially.
Turkey deplored the current living conditions of AMISOM
troops and called on donors to disperse their pledges as soon
as possible. Most delegations urged enhanced coordination.
Austria said that until the root causes of piracy are
addressed, including by enhancing the rule-of-law in Somalia,
the international community will not "meet lasting success"
against piracy. Costa Rica focused on the humanitarian
conditions in Somalia, condemning acts of violence against
civilians and welcoming the establishment of a human rights
focal point in the TFG.
9. (SBU) Mexico noted concern over reports of child
recruitment by armed groups, as well as food aid diversions
by criminals. Mexico underscored the importance of regaining
control of seaports and airports in Somalia by cooperating on
a regional basis. Croatia commended the establishment of the
Commission on Security and Pacification and the TFG's
appointment of a new Minister of Defense, which will
contribute to the government's ability to restore order.
Croatia also noted its support of a shift to a UN "light
footprint" on the ground in Somalia, as well as consultations
on a possible future UNPKO. Libya called on the
international community to support its pledges to AMISOM and
asked that it be transformed rapidly into a UNPKO. Vietnam
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echoed this call. Libya also stated that the international
maritime presence off the coast of Somalia should not be used
to protect illegal fishing in Somali coastal waters.
10. (SBU) Mexico, as chair of the Somalia sanctions
committee, stated that sanctions implementation in Somalia by
the Security Council should be consistent with the approach
pursued in the sub-region, taking into account the complex
situation on the ground. Uganda stated that the Security
Council should deal with all spoilers of the peace firmly,
asking, in view of the magnitude of the situation, "is the
current approach commensurate with the threat on the ground."
Burkina Faso urged the Security Council to act against
spoilers via the Somalia Sanctions Committee and other
mechanisms. As noted in paragraphs 6 and 7, the UK and
Russia expressed interest in enhancing the current sanctions