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Cablegate: Se Turkey Security Incidents: October 12 - 18, 2009

DE RUEHDA #0065/01 3060754
R 020754Z NOV 09




E.O. 12958: N/A

1. The following security incidents for the period of October
19-25, 2009, were compiled by the Security Assistant at
Consulate Adana from RSO sources, to include Turkish security
contacts, government officials and media. Similar reports have
been previously shared informally by e-mail. Post is now sending
this information in cable format to ensure wider and more
regular distribution. The RSO uses the information to determine
the security situation and trends of violence and crime
throughout Turkey. The RSO shares the information with the
country team and visas viper coordinator.

2. Military operations against the Kurdistan Workers' Party
(PKK) as reported by the Turkish General Staff:

A. Weapons, ammunition, and equipment seized:

Hakkari - 10.24.09: 1 hand grenade, 1 Kalashnikov infantry
rifle, 4 magazines and 120 rounds of ammunition.

Hakkari - 10.24.09: A pressure sensitive IED.

Hakkari - 10.24.09: 1 RPG-7 rocket launcher, 1 Kannas brand
sniper weapon, 1 Bixi brand machine gun, 4 Kalashnikov rifles, 1
Docka anti-aircraft missile, 15 hand grenades, 8 rounds of
mortar (60 mm), and 5 magazines.

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Hakkari - 10.22.09: 6 hand grenades, 1 wireless radio, 1 digital
camera, 1 Kannas rifle binoculars, 20 kilograms of ammonium
nitrate, bomb-making materials, various logistical and food

Siirt - 10.19.09: 160 kilograms of food materials.

B. PKK members captured or surrendered:

Hakkari - 10.24.09: 1 PKK member captured.

10.19.09 through 10.25.09: Security forces neutralized 1 PKK
member, AND 1 PKK member surrendered to security officials.

C. PKK attacks:

Hakkari - 10.21.09: PKK members attacked a military patrol team,
no injuries reported.

Siirt - 10.20.09: Troops were deployed in the mountains based on
intelligence in search of PKK members. A firefight ensued when
terrorists opened fire. No injuries were reported.

Hakkari - 10.19.09: A hand-made IED exploded as a military
convoy was passing by the area; no injuries reported.

3. Media reports related to PKK and pro-Kurdish organizations

A. Anti - PKK operations:

Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) anti-PKK operations in SE Turkey
continue. Many armored vehicles, military personnel and
ammunition were sent to the operation areas in Hakkari
(Cukurca), Sirnak (Mount Cudi, Mount Kato, Beytussebap, Uludere
and Guclukonak) and Siirt.

Sirnak - 10.22.09: Forest fire at the Mount Cudi continues after
the area was bombed by Turkish artillery teams.

N. Iraq - 10.21.09 though 10.23.09: TAF bombed the Zap region.

N. Iraq - 10.20.09: Turkish war jets made low altitude flight
over the suspected PKK positions at the Mount Kandil, but did
not attack the targets. PKK members responded with Docka
missiles. According to KYB's (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan)
website, PKK positions on Mount Kandil were in fact bombed by
war jets belonging to an unknown country. Another Kurdish
language web site has claimed that Turkish war jets bombed PKK
targets. The web site reported that 4 separate targets were
bombed but did not give any information about casualties.

Sirnak - 10.19.09: 1 PKK member was killed by Turkish Artillery
team's fire, pro-Kurdish ANF reported.

B. Arrests:

Bitlis - 10.25.09: Security forces detained 1 person suspected
of terrorism.

Hakkari - 10.25.09: 1 person (age 71), who joined in the funeral
ceremony of a killed PKK member, was sentenced to a year in
prison on the charge of "making propaganda for the PKK."

Sanliurfa - 10.24.09: DTP Mayor of Viransehir was sentenced to 1

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year in prison on charges of "praising crime and the criminal."

Sanliurfa - 10.24.09: Abdullah Ocalan's lawyer Muzeffer Demir
was sentenced to 3 years in prison on charges of "praising crime
and the criminal."

Diyarbakir - 10.23.09: Security forces detained 12 people on the
charges of "assisting and harboring the PKK." Many
organizational documents and logistical equipment were seized.

Adana - 10.23.09: 2 minors (ages 16 and 17) who joined in
illegal street demonstrations on behalf of the PKK, were
sentenced to 4 year in prison on the charge of "making
propaganda for PKK." In total 103 minors have been sentenced to
a cumulative total of 457 years for the same crime.

Adana - 10.22.09: 2 people who threw Molotov cocktails at a BIM
supermarket in Sakirpasa Parish were arrested on the charge of
"carrying out illegal action on behalf of the PKK."

Adana - 10.22.09: A representative of the pro-Kurdish Azadiya
Welat (The Free Country) newspaper was sentenced to 2 years in
prison on the charge of "making propaganda for the PKK."

Siirt - 10.22.09: An employee of the pro-Kurdish Azadiya Welat
newspaper was sentenced to 10 months in prison on the charge of
"making propaganda for the PKK."

Sanliurfa - 10.20.09: 2 people were arrested on the charge of
"chanting illegal slogan in favor of the PKK."

Hakkari - 10.20.09: Security forces detained 3 people suspected
of terrorism.

Sanliurfa - 10.20.09: Security forces detained 1 person
suspected of terrorism.

Van - 10.19.09: Security forces detained 2 people trying to
recruit members for the PKK. 1 of 2 people later was arrested on
charges of "assisting and harboring the PKK."

Sirnak - 10.20.09: 36 PKK members, who surrendered to security
officials at the Habur Border Gate, were released by a court

C. Other media stories about PKK:

Adana - 10.25.09: A pro-Kurdish group calling themselves "Voices
of Mountains" attacked a house with Molotov cocktails in
Sakirpasa Parish.

Adana and Osmaniye - 10.25.09: Families of soldiers killed by
the PKK protested the recent celebrations following the
surrender of PKK members from Kandil Mountain and Mahmur refugee

10.24.09: Despite negative reaction from the military and
Turkey's judiciary, the Democratic Society Party (DTP) insisted
on welcoming the return of members of the PKK from European
countries next week with a massive reception, which was later
cancelled due to increasing tension.

Elazig - 10.24.09: Nationalists attacked a DTP group who were
holding a press statement to protest the assaults against
Kurdish students at Firat University. The nationalist group
later held a protest march in the city center with the
participation of hundreds of people.

10.24.09: MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) plans to gather at
meeting places (squares/streets) across Turkey to protest the
Democratic Initiative period (Kurdish Initiative).

10.21.09: Security forces are on high alert against possible
provocative actions during the Kurdish initiative period. Some
groups may carryout action to sabotage the ongoing opening
period. The tension between nationalist (MHP, BBP, Alperen
Ocaklari, etc) and Kurdish people (DTP and other pro-Kurdish
organizations) has increased in the past week in Turkey. Many
fights have been reported across Turkey.

10.21.09: PKK terrorists launched 10 mortar rounds onto the
Dagbasi military base in Gukurca, near the Iraqi border. Firing
back, the soldiers were able to repel the terrorist group. One
soldier was wounded in the crossfire.

Hatay and Mersin - 10.20.09: Hatay and Mersin Democracy Platform
members held press statements and marches in order to support
the latest developments in the Kurdish initiative.

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4. Media reports on significant crime or security incidents:

Hatay - 10.24.09: Security forces seized 5 pistols and 205
rounds of ammunition and detained 3 people.

Sirnak - 10.23.09: 1 person wanted in connection with the murder
of 2 DTP members in July was detained by security forces. It was
reported that the person is a member of the Dagger Team.

Sirnak - 10.23.09: Security forces stopped a vehicle and
detained a person, resulting in a street brawl. Many people
attacked security forces with stones and Molotov cocktails and
police intervened with tear gas and sticks. 3 police officers
were wounded.

Gaziantep - 10.22.09: Security forces seized 1,175 rounds of
ammunition, 1 pistol and 1 magazine and detained one person.

Sanliurfa - 10.22.09: Birecik District's Mayor's vehicle was
attacked by unidentified people with long-range rifles, wounding
the driver.

Turkey-wide - 10.22.09: More than 200 people have been arrested
as part of an illegal fuel trade that extends to 30 provinces.
Operation "Bypass" took place in 30 provinces simultaneously and
resulted in the arrest of 200 people in connection with the
procurement and sale of illegal fuel. The gendarmerie operation
included raids in Ankara, Izmir, Samsun, Kirikkale, Van, Mugla,
Adana, Mersin, Manisa and Balikesir and other surrounding
provinces and resulted in the arrest of gas station owners,
managers and employees.

Mardin - 10.22.09: Security forces found a hand grenade by the
roadside in Nusaybin and destroyed it on site.

Mersin - 10.21.09: A park in the Tarsus District of Mersin was
set on fire by unidentified people.

Mersin - 10.21.09: A group of ultranationalist sympathizers
allegedly attempted to lynch Kurdish residents in the Anamur
District. The incident was prevented after the intervention of
government officials.

Elazig - 10.21.09: It was reported that a group of Kurdish
students from the Firat University was attacked by a group of
ultranationalists. 2 students were seriously wounded.

Hatay - 10.20.09: Security forces confiscated 1
assassination-type pen pistol, 2 bullets, 1 blank pistol and 7
round of ammunition belonging to the blank pistol, 95 rounds of
blank pistol ammunition, and 250 grams of hashish. 3 people were
detained in the operation.

Hakkari - 10.19.09: A group of PKK supporters attacked police
vehicles with stones during a demonstration to celebrate the
release of detained PKK members. Police intervened with sticks
and tear gas while PKK supporters responded with stones and
Molotov cocktails.

Sirnak - 10.19.09: A 3-year old child who was wounded during
illegal street demonstrations on October 9 died at the hospital.

Van - 10.19.09: Iranian forces killed a smuggler who was trying
to enter Iran from Van.

5. Illegal immigrant arrests:

10.15.09 through 10.22.09: Security forces captured and deported
991 illegal immigrants from Sirnak, Antalya, Izmir, Aegean
Coast, Siirt, Agri, Kilis, Hatay, Canakkale, Erzurum, Kayseri,
Edirne, Yalova, Kirklareli, Canakkale, Adana, Van, Artvin,
Aydin, Ardahan, Aksaray, Mugla, and Bitlis, and the borders of
Iran, Iraq, Syria and Greece.

6. Counter-narcotic operations:

Gaziantep - 10.25.09: Security forces seized 22 kilograms of
hashish and detained 2 people.

Sanliurfa - 10.25.09: Security forces confiscated 25 kilograms
of hashish and detained a person.

Van - 10.25.09: Security forces confiscated 68 kilograms of
hashish and detained 1 person.

Gaziantep and Agri - 10.22.09: Security forces seized 24
kilograms of hashish in a joint operation and detained 2 people.

Hatay - 10.22.09: Security forces seized 6 kilograms of hashish

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and detained 3 people.

Van - 10.21.09: Security forces seized 295 kilograms of hashish
and detained 1 person.

Van - 10.21.09: Security forces seized 63 kilograms of hashish
and detained 1 person.

Adana - 10.20.09: Security forces confiscated 23 kilograms of
hashish and arrested 3 people.

Adana - 10.13.09 through 10.19.09: In separate operations
carried out by the Department and Smuggling and Organized Crime,
60 cartons of smuggled cigarettes, 2, 500 liters of smuggled
gas, and 6 kilograms of hashish was seized. 1 of 5 people was

Batman - 10.19.09: Security forces seized 3 kilograms of hashish
and arrested 1 person.

Sanliurfa - 10.19.09: Security forces seized 36 kilograms of
hashish and arrested 1 person.

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