Cablegate: Embassy Addis Ababa S/Gwi Project Proposals Submission
DE RUEHDS #0338/01 0491334
P 181334Z FEB 10
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: STATE 132094
ADDIS ABAB 00000338 001.2 OF 002
1. Embassy Addis Ababa is pleased to submit the following seven
proposals for consideration by the Secretary's Office of Global
Women's Issues (S/GWI) for the FY 2010 Small Grants Initiative. The
mission's submissions are submitted in priority rank order.
2. First-Ranked Proposal: KMG-Ethiopia, an indigenous non-for
profit organization headquartered in Southern Nationalities and
Peoples Region (SNNP), submitted a proposal entitled "Building
Capacity of Girls and Women to Struggle for and to Protect their
Economic and Social Well Being." The project aims to invest in the
education, livelihoods and leadership skills of approximately 10,000
of the uncircumcised girls who are organized as groups in SNNP and
who firmly stand against any form of violence and discrimination
against their own and any women and girls in their communities. The
goal of the project is to "Transform the uncircumcised girls'
movement into well organized, vibrant, and independent prototype to
accelerate efforts towards gender equality." It will accomplish
this by 1) Enabling uncircumcised girls group members to have good
knowledge of leadership, resources mapping, mobilizing and planning;
2) Improving academic performance and 1,507 girls taking national
and regional examinations; 3) Strengthening girls movements on
environmental rehabilitation and soil and water conservation in
their respective districts; and 4) Improving young women's
leadership and helping them strengthen their fights against any form
of violence and discrimination. The target beneficiaries are in
Kembatta Tembaro zone of SNNP. KMG has proposed a budget of USD
107,715 for this project, of which USD 7,715 in counterpart funding
would be provided by KMG.
3. Second-Ranked Proposal: The National Network of Positive
Ethiopians (NNPWE), a network of 22 associations of women living
with HIV, submitted a proposal for a project entitled, "Ensuring the
Socio-Economic Security of HIV/AIDS Infected Women and
Associations." The project aims to reduce the socio-economic impact
of HIV/AIDS on women. NNPWE seeks to achieve this goal by
increasing the income and the decision making power of women living
with HIV; sustaining the income generating ability of member
associations; increasing the access of socio-economic support for
skilled women living with HIV; enhancing psycho-social status and
capacity of women living with HIV through creating linkages and
referral systems; and strengthening the project implementation
capacity of NNPWE. The project will reportedly target 2000
beneficiaries in Wonji, Adama and Nekemte in Oromia Regional State,
Arbaminch, Hossaena and Yergalem in SNNPR, and Mekele, Gonder,
Dire-Dawa, and Afar. NNPWE estimates the project will cost USD
4. Third-Ranked Proposal: Tiret Community Empowerment for Change
Association (TCECA) is a non-governmental organization working on
community-based capacity-building in Ethiopia since 2005. Their
proposal entitled, "Girl's Education: Enhancing Access and Equality
of Primary Education with Particular Emphasis on Eliminating
Gender-Based Violence" (GBV) seeks to effectively improve school
environments and teaching processes to ensure all girls benefit from
equal education, while striving to eliminate GBV. It will
accomplish this by 1) providing access to Early Childhood Care and
Education to 1,300 preschool girls through the establishment of 4
community-based ECCE and Alternative Basic Education (ABE) centers;
2) providing educational access to 1,500 out-of-school girls through
the establishment of 10 ABE centers to enable girls to
enroll/continue their education; 3) improving the quality of primary
education for 3,000 girls through the establishment and
strengthening of 4 Child Friendly Schools, creating communication
materials on the rights of the child, and by establishing mechanisms
to report abuse and support victims through the school system; and
by 4) improving the quality of primary education for over 1,000
girls through innovative cluster-based educational interventions,
inclusive of continuous professional development of teachers,
development of gender-sensitive teaching-learning materials, and the
improvement of teacher-student rapport in/outside the classroom.
The target beneficiaries of this project reside in three Woredas,
namely Elu, Becho and Woliso in the Southwest Shoa Zone of Oromia
Regional State. TCECA has proposed a budget of USD 96,468.00.
5. Fourth-Ranked Proposal: Pastoralist Welfare Organization (PWO),
a local pastoral NGO operating in Somali Region, submitted a
proposal entitled, "Pastoral School Girls Privacy Project." The
project aims to improve girls' privacy at schools in order to keep
them in school. The project seeks to achieve this goal by
constructing toilets in the selected schools and provide toilet
utilization, management and hygiene training to school and
communities. Also, with this project 200 orphaned school girls or
girls from poor households will receive school uniforms, exercise
ADDIS ABAB 00000338 002.2 OF 002
books, and other materials. Further, this project seeks to create
awareness through community conferences on the importance of
pastoral girls' education for clan, religious and kebele leaders.
This project will reportedly benefit 1000 girls in Dollo Ado woreda
in Somali Region. PWO estimates the project to cost USD 100,000.
6. Fifth-Ranked Proposal: The Renaissance Creation-Generation Save
Association (RCGSA), a NGO working to improve the social constraints
related to gender imbalance, HIV/AIDS, poverty and environmental
degradation prevailing in Ethiopia, submitted a proposal entitled
"Kemeshi-Sirba Women Empowerment Project (KSWEP)." The project aims
to empower women to actively participate in community
decision-making, development activities and other societal functions
through promotion of reproductive health and economic development.
The project aims to achieve these goals by focusing on factors that
negatively influence the lives of women as well as factors that can
improve their participation in societal functions both qualitatively
and quantitatively; raising awareness for local women, female
students and all concerned bodies; networking with Community Bases
Organizations, Government Organizations and Non-Governmental
Organizations and religious organizations. This project will
reportedly target 900 women and 3000 high school students in
Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. The RCGSA estimates that this
project will cost USD 100,000.
7. Sixth-Ranked Proposal: Awi Development Association (AwiDA), a
NGO working to promote sustainable development in Awi, Amhara Region
and in Metekel, Beneshangul-Gumuz Region, submitted a proposal
entitled "Girls and Women Empowerment." The project seeks to reduce
the rate of early marriage in the seven counties of Awi Zone by 20%
in 2010-2011. AwiDA seeks to do this by conducting peer education,
producing and distributing of information, education, communication
materials; organize Girls' and Women's Rights Protection Committees
in 20 kebeles; conduct an information sharing workshop to 700
individuals; conduct public education on women's and girls' roles
through folk media; and celebrate International Women's Day. This
project will reportedly benefit nearly 600,000 girls and women in
the Awi zone of Amhara Regional State. The AwiDA estimates that the
project will cost USD 100,000.
8. Seventh-Ranked Proposal: The Center for African Women Economic
Empowerment (CAWEE) in Addis Ababa has submitted a proposal entitled
"Jewelry Sub-sector Product Development and Market Promotion
Program". This project would employ two international consultants
in product development to assist women-owned and women-managed
Ethiopian jewelry manufacturers to reach the North American markets.
The project consultants, in consultation with relevant local
partners, would identify six companies that have the best potential
to attain initial export success. These companies would not only
benefit from the consultants' expertise, but also by participation
in international trade fairs, one-on-one buyer and seller
encounters, and guidance on preparing marketing materials. The goal
would be to assist these companies to incorporate traditional
Ethiopian designs into modern jewelry. Through this 18-month
process, these jewelry companies are expected to outsource some of
their work to at least 50 other local companies. This project would
impact about 1,000 individuals (primarily women) in the industry
overall and indirectly would boost the standard of living of
approximately 8,000 Ethiopian family members. The proposed budget
for the project is USD 100,576.
9. The projects meet the guidance provided by S/GWI and are in
concert with current USG foreign assistance programming in Ethiopia
in the areas of combating the practice of genital mutilation;
improving economic development for women; reducing gender based
violence; improving girls' education and school attendance; reducing
girls' rate for early marriage; and empowering women in community
decision making. Budget annexes and proposal narratives for each
proposal will be submitted to S/GWI by email as requested. Projects
selected for funding should receive, in cooperation with Post, a
thorough review of technical designs and budget figures, in order
for the selected projects to reflect current best practices, to
integrate with existing programming, and to reflect local political
and operational constraints. If selected for funding, the managing
office for projects executed by KMG and CAWEE will be the Political
and Economic Section. The contact person in the Political and
Economic Section is Deputy Political and Economic Counselor, Kate
Pongonis ( All other projects, if selected for
funding, will be managed by USAID. The contact person at USAID is
Brendan Wheeler (