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Davos Counter-Conference

World Social Forum

Themes and guests


Conference themes:

THEME I: The production of wealth and social reproduction

How to build a system that can produce goods and services for all?

What kind of International Trade do we want?

What kind of Financial System can ensure equality and development?

How to guarantee the multiple functions of the earth?

THEME II: Access to wealth and sustainability

Translating Scientific Development into Human Development

How to guarantee the public nature of humanity`s common resources, reverse their conversion into commodities and assert social control over the environment?

How to promote human rights for all and ensure wealth is distributed to all?

How to build sustainable cities

THEME III: Civil society and the public arena

Strengthening the Capacity for Action of Civil Society and the Development of the Public Arena

Possibilities and limitations of international citizenship

Ensuring the right to information and democratizing the media

Safeguarding cultural identities and protecting artistic creation from the market

THEME IV: Political power and ethics in the new society

The basis for democracy and for a new citizen`s power

Democratizing power in the world

The Future of Nation-States

Mediating conflicts and developing peace

Confirmed guests of the World Social Forum 2001
as of the 20th of January 2001

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1. Ahmed Ben Bella, leader of the liberation of Algeria and first minister of peace from 1962 until 1965
2. Alain Lipietz, member of the high committee of International Cooperation, and representative of the Green Party in European Parliament
3. Alfredo Guevara, Cuban film-maker
4. Aloizio Mercadante, federal deputy of the Workers Party (Brazil)
5. Ana Esther Ceceña, social scientist of the journal Chiapas and representative of the Institute of Economic Investigation of Mexico (UNAM)
6. Amita Traore, former minister of Mali
7. Anibal Quijano, sociologist, professor of the University of San Marcos, Peru
8. Anuradha Mittal, co-director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, United States.
9. Ariel Dorfman, Chilean writer
10. Armand Mattelart, sociologist and theoricien of the Science of Information and Communication, France
11. Atílio Borón, president of the Latin American Counsel of Social Sciences (CLASCO)
12. Bernard Cassen, journalist and general director of the journal Le Monde Diplomatique, president of ATTAC-France and professor at the Institute of European Studies, University of Paris
13. Blanca Chancoso, native American leader of Equator, director of international relations at the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas do Equador (CONAIE)
14. Boaventura de Souza Santos, sociologist, Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra, Portugal
15. Danièle Mitterrand, president of the association France Libertè
16. Diane Matte, coordinator of the Women’s March 2000, Canada
17. Dita Sari, leader of the students movement of Indonesia
18. Dot Keet, researcher for the Alternative Information and Development Centre, South Africa
19. Eduardo Galeano, writer from Uruguay
20. Eduardo Suplicy, senator from the Workers Party, Brazil
21. Elvino Bohn Gass, state deputy of the Workers Party in Santo Cristo (RS), Brasil
22. Emir Sader, sociologist, professor of sociology at the University of São Paulo and the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
23. Eric Toussaint, president of the Committee for the Annulation of the Third Worlds Debt , Belgium
24. Ermínia Maricato, professor, coordinator of the Laboratório de Habitação e Assentamentos Urbanos (Laboratory of Habitation and Human Settlements and the Post-Graduate Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism University of São Paulo, Brazil
25. Ernesto Ladrón de Guevara, director of the União Nacional de Organizações Regionais Campesinas Autônomas (UNORCA, National Union of Regional Organizations of Autonomous Farmers), Mexico
26. Fábio Konder Comparato, jurist, professor of the Faculty at the University of Law in São Paulo, Brazil
27. Francisco dos Reis, president of the APYME – Associação Latino Americana de Pequenos e Médios Empresários (Latin American Association of small and Médium Entrepreneurs, Argentina
28. François Houtart, president of the Tri-Continental center, Belgium
29. Frei Beto, writer and Dominican friar, Brazil
30. Friedrich Mueller Heidelberg, German philosopher
31. Georgine Djeutane, economist, representative of the campaign Jubileu Sul, South Africa
32. Gigi Francisco, representative of Red Dawn, Philippines
33. Helena Hirata, sociologist, director of the Group of Studies on the Social and Sexual Division in the Workplace at the National Center of Scientific Research from 1992 to 1995
34. Ignacio Ramonet, general director of Le Monde Diplomatique, France
35. Jacques Chonchol, minister of agriculture in Chile from 1970 to 1973 during the government of Salvador Allende
36. Jacques Testart, biologist, director of research at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research and president of the French Commission of Sustainable Development, France
37. Jeanine Anderson Roos, anthropologist, professor of the Catholic University, Peru
38. João Felício, president of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores, Brasil
39. João Manuel Cardoso de Mello, coordinator of the Department of Economics at the University of Campinas, Brazil
40. João Pedro Stédile, national director of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (dirigente nacional do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, MST), Brazil
41. Jorge Beinstein, economist, professor of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
42. José Bové, ecological militant, anti-military activist and leader of the Confédération Paysanne (Confederation of Farmers), France
43. José Lutzemberg, ecologist, Fundação Gaia
44. Joyce Pekane, second vice-president of the South African Congress of Syndicates (COSATU)
45. Kaylash Satyarti, coordinator of the World March Against Child Labour, India
46. Kjeld Jakobsen, secretary of International Relations at the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Brazil
47. Leonardo Boff, teólogo brasileiro
48. Lucio Edwin Gutierrez, colonel of the Patriotic Societies Army (Ejército Sociedad Patriotica): 21 of January for an Authentic Democracy in Equator
49. Luis Alberto Gonzáles, general secretary of the Central Sindical do Panamá
50. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, honorary president of the Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores PT) and founding counsellor of the Citizens Institute (Instituto Cidadania), Brazil
51. Luiz Eduardo Soares, anthropologist and political scientist , ex-secretary of Public Security (Segurança Pública) and Coordination of Security, Justice, Civil Defence, and Citizenship of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Coordenador de Segurança, Justiça, Defesa Civil e Cidadania)
52. Manoel Monereo, director of the United Army (Esquerda Unida)
53. Marcel Mazoyer, titular professor of the National Institute of Agronomy in Paris-Grignon, consultant for the Confédération Paysanne, France
54. Maria Vitória Benevides, sociologist and professor of the University of São Paulo, Brazil
55. Marina Silva, Brazilian senator on the Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores)
56. Mark Ritchie, president of the Institute of Policy for Agriculture and Commerce, Minnesota, United States
57. Mary Castro, sociologist and professor of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
58. Maude Barlow, writer, director of the International Forum on Globalisation, Canada
59. Michael Löwy, sociologist, researcher of the National Counsil of Scientific Research (CNRS), France
60. Miguel Lluco, national coordinator of Movimiento Pachakutik, Equator
61. Milton Santos, geographer, professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil
62. Njoki Njehu, representative of 50 Years Is Enough! USA
63. Nora de Cortiñas, representative of Madres de la Plaza de Mayo – Línea Fundadora, Argentina
64. Norman Soloman, media critique, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, United States
65. Oded Grajew, national coordinator of CIVES - Associação Brasileira de Empresários pela Cidadania, president of the Instituto Ethos e Counsellor of Transparência Brasil
66. Orlando Caputo, senior researcher at the Centre of Social Investigations at the University of Arts and Social Sciences (Santiago, Chile) and director of the Centre of Studies on Transnationalisation, Economy and Society (CETES), Chile
67. Oscar Niemayer, Brazilian architect
68. Park Hasson, representative of the KCTU, Corean union central
69. Patrick Viveret, sociologist, director de redaction of Transversals Science/Culture, France
70. Paul Nickolson, representative Country Life, Belgium
71. Pedro Santana Rodrigues, president of Corporación Viva La Ciudadania, Colombia
72. Peter Marcuse, professor of Urban Planning, Columbia University, United States
73. Raí, president of Fundação Gol de Letra, Brasil
74. Raul Pont, mayor of Porto Alegre from 1996 to 2000
75. Rayén Quiroga Martinez, economist, head of the Departamento de Información Ambiental Estratégica y Estudios (Department of Strategic Environment Information and Studies), from National Comission of Environment, Chile
76. Regina Festa, professor of the School of Comunications and Arts, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
77. René Passet, economist, president of the scientific counsel of ATTAC, France
78. Riccardo Petrella, counsellor of the European Comission and professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
79. Roberto Kishinami, representative of Greenpeace International and general director of Greenpeace National
80. Roberto Savio, director of the agency of notices IPS, Italy
81. Robin Round, regional coordinator and political analyst of the Halifax Initiative, Canada
82. Samir Amin, economist, director of the Third World Forum in Dakar and of the World Forum of Alternatives, Egypt
83. Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães, representative of the Institute of Research of the Minister of External Affairs, Brazil
84. Sandra Bermudes, representative of community radios of Colombia
85. Sebastião Salgado, Brazilian photographer
86. Sérigo Yahni, president of the Corporación Viva La Ciudadania Israel/Palestin
87. Silvia Borren, director of Novib, Holland
88. Suman Sahai, representative of the Gene Campaign, India
89. Tabaré Vasquez, president of the Frente Ampla, Uruguay
90. Tânia Bacelar, economist, professor of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil
91. Tariq Ali, writer from Pakistan, relocated to England
92. Timothy Ney, representative of the Free Software Foundation, United States
93. Victor de Gennaro, president of the Workers Center Argentina
94. Virgínia Vargas, representative of the Peruvian Womens Center – Flora Tristan
95. Walden Bello, co-director of Focus on Global South and professor of Public Administration and Sociology, University of the Philipines
96. Yoko Kitazawa, president of Jubilee 2000 in Japan


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