Bremer Offers Condolences to Baghdad Bomb Victims
Bremer Offers Condolences to Baghdad Bombing Victims
CPA administrator says terrorists "will not succeed"
Coalition Provisional Authority Administrator Ambassador Paul Bremer issued a statement of condolence October 13 to the victims of the terrorist car bombing in Baghdad of October 12. According to news reports, at least six bystanders were killed and 32 injured in the explosion.
Bremer said that the coalition would not be intimidated by this latest terrorist act, and that the coalition "will work with the Iraqi police to find those responsible and bring them to justice." Following is the text of Bremer's statement:
Baghdad, Ira
q13 October 2003
Statement by Ambassador Bremer on Today's Bombing
I want to express the condolences of
the men and women of the Coalition to all those killed and
injured by these terrorists. The terrorists know that the
Iraqi people and the Coalition are succeeding in the
reconstruction of Iraq. They do not share the vision of hope
for this new Iraq. They will do anything, including taking
the lives of innocent Iraqis, to draw attention away from
the extraordinary progress made since liberation. The
terrorists will not succeed. Neither the Coalition nor the
Iraqi people will be intimidated from our path to a
democratic Iraq. We will work with the Iraqi police to find
those responsible and bring them to justice. With the Iraqi
people, we will continue to build a new Iraq, an Iraq which
will replace terrorism with