Armitage Leaving Russian Min. of Foreign Affairs
Response to Press Questions from AP-Television While Leaving Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State
Moscow, Russia
28, 2004
AP TV - May I ask you first of all to say a few words on the declining health of Yasser Arafat?
DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE - I've seen reports that he'd been seeing doctors or some medical personnel. However, I'd also heard that he'd participated in morning prayers, and beyond that, since I've been in meetings here, I have no further information.
AP TV - How might his health impinge upon the actual peace process itself?
DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE - I don't want to speculate on his health or on what effect it might have on the peace plan. After all, that's for the Palestinian people and the people of Israel.
AP TV - Could it have a serious effect?
DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE - I think I'll let my previous answer stand.
AP TV One last question. Your defense, deputy defense secretary, has accused the Russians of stealing a large amount of explosives and weaponry before the Iraq war?
DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE Well, I've never seen any such information at all and I believe that the official spokesman of the Pentagon has already said there is no such information to that regard.
Released on October 28, 2004