New Zealand-Hong Kong Wine Arrangement Signed
Trade Minister Tim Groser today signed an Arrangement to enhance cooperation in wine-related business with Hong Kong.
Mr Groser says the new Arrangement
will help New Zealand wine exporters access the growing
Asian market.
“Hong Kong is fast developing a
sophisticated wine culture and is becoming the wine hub of
the region. The Arrangement enhances knowledge transfer in
wine education and will improve the marketing and profile of
New Zealand wines in Hong Kong.
“The Arrangement
specifically acknowledges New Zealand Winegrowers’
world-leading sustainability framework, which provides a
significant point of difference for New Zealand in the Hong
Kong market.
“New Zealand looks forward to a
continued partnership with Hong Kong as it develops as a
regional wine wholesaling, marketing and distribution centre
in Asia,”Mr Groser said.
In early 2008, Hong Kong
abolished its excise tax on wine as part of its strategy to
become a regional wine hub. New Zealand’s wine exports to
Hong Kong in the year to June 2009 were up by 44 per cent to
NZ$ 8.9