Greenpeace: Regulate Bottom Trawling in South Pac.
Auckland, 10 November, 2009 - Greenpeace is supporting calls to tighten regulations on bottom trawling by the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation in Auckland this week.
The meeting is in the final stages
of agreeing on a convention to govern bottom trawling and
some other fisheries in the Pacific. New Zealand fishing
boats use bottom trawling to target orange roughy, a
long-lived deep sea fish which is very slow to
Greenpeace is calling for the meeting to
adopt measures to prevent damage caused by deep sea
gillnets, by new fisheries and to reverse the declines in an
important fish stock off the coast of South America, jack
mackerel, which has been seriously overfished.
130-kilometre long gillnet was recently found in the ocean
off Antarctica, set at 1500 metres, which had caught 29
tonnes of Antarctic toothfish as well as a number of skates.
Gillnets are banned in the north-east Atlantic at depths of
more than 200 metres.
Greenpeace adviser and lawyer
Duncan Currie, who is attending the meeting said a new
scientific report published in Europe today describing a
systematic failure by fisheries managers in the North
Atlantic highlighted the need to properly regulate bottom
"This report is a wake-up call to all
governments that they have to start taking their
responsibilities of managing the deep sea fisheries
seriously. This damage both to the environment and to deep
sea fish stocks must stop now."
Currie said Greenpeace
agreed with the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC), an
umbrella group of organisations concerned about the damage
caused by bottom trawling in the deep ocean, which says it
is time to halt unregulated deep sea bottom
The report, entitled "The Implementation of
UN Resolution 61/105 in the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries
on the High Seas," finds that the measures taken to protect
vulnerable marine ecosystems and deep-sea species on the
high seas in the North Atlantic are at best inadequate and
at worst non-existent.
The report examines the data
available from Regional Fisheries Management Organisations
(RFMOs), the bodies tasked with implementing the United
Nations (UN) Resolution. Matthew Gianni, Policy Advisor to
the DSCC said "The UN resolution was designed to provide
protection for vulnerable deep sea areas and species in lieu
of a moratorium. The RFMOs studied in the report have failed
to fully implement the resolution, without
"The only alternative is to impose a
temporary prohibition on all bottom fishing for deep-sea
species in these areas until the RFMOs do what they have
committed to do through the UN and prove that they can fish
Next week, the Sustainable Fisheries
resolution negotiations recommence at UN headquarters in New
York to determine further recommendations needed in this
year's General Assembly Resolution to protect vulnerable
marine ecosystems and sustainably manage deep-sea fisheries.