IPCDA Condemns Savage Attack On Camp Ashraf
IPCDA Condemns Savage Attack On Camp Ashraf and Killing of Innocent Civilians
Call for UN and US Presence In the Camp to Save the Wounded
We had been warning about this for some time. The United Nations and the Government of the United States gave us assurances about the safety and security of the residents in Camp Ashraf. This morning we were informed that a hideous assault by the Iraqi army on Camp Ashraf that started at midnight on Sunday 1 September has been continuing until now.
At least 24 bodies have been counted as dead and a large number of residents are severely injured. A number of residents have been kidnapped by the Iraqi army and taken as hostages. Others were shot and killed while in handcuffs. Army units have been firing RPG rockets at each building before entering them and opening a round of lethal fire.
We call on the UN and UK and US government to call on Nuri al-Maliki to stop this criminal attack. The UN Security Council should condemn the attack immediately. UN, UK and US forces must go to the site immediately to help the wounded and rescue the hostages.
We are appalled to hear of this attack while we have been continually warning the US and UN officials about it. Decades ago we made a promise not to let such massacres to take place again. Shame on those who remain silent.
Brian Binley MP said: “I have no doubt that the Iraqi government which is increasingly feeling as a tool of the Iranian regime that the world’s focus is clearly directed at events in Syria, and consequently the Iraqis feel that they can get away with this atrocity. This must not be allowed to happen. I am consequently calling on all Western governments, but especially the Americans and the British, to take action to stop this atrocity immediately.”
Brian Binley MP
International Parliamentary Campaign in Defence of
1 September