On the President's Speech on ISIL
On the President's Speech on ISIL
John Kerry
Secretary of State
September 10, 2014
Tonight the President spoke directly to our country about what it will take to lead the world to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL, and we are already well underway in the effort to assemble the coalition to get the job done. We are uniting the world against a unified threat, and the President's strategy will succeed because doing it with allies and partners isn't just smart, it's strong.
Working to create a common coalition against a common threat, the President sent me to Baghdad on Wednesday to meet with its new inclusive government, which forms the heart and the backbone of our anti-ISIL efforts. I will be traveling over the coming days throughout the Middle East and Europe to continue the diplomatic effort to meet a unifying threat with a unified response.
We do so knowing both that American leadership is indispensable and that we cannot destroy this group on our own. Defeating this common enemy calls for a common cause, and we're taking it on to succeed together.