Centre for Brexit Studies reacts to Prime Minister's speech
Centre for Brexit Studies reacts to Prime Minister's speech
Academics at Birmingham City University’s Centre for Brexit Studies have reacted to the Prime Minister’s speech on Britain’s future relationship with the European Union.
Professor Alex de Ruyter, Head of Birmingham City University’s Centre for Brexit Studies, said: “The Prime Minister’s long-awaited speech was expected to offer a level of clarity about what we can expect Brexit to look like. But while we heard details of a proposed transitional period and a new approach to criminal justice and security, a lot of questions remain unanswered.
“Mrs May has rejected the idea of modelling Brexit on existing economic relationships held with the EU and said she wants Britain to pursue a tailored, bespoke deal, but we are no closer to knowing exactly what such a deal would actually entail.
“This is unlikely to end the continued speculation about what type of Brexit we’ll see and the potential impact on Britain’s economy, or go any real way towards appeasing people on either side of the debate.
“For those of us researching and advising on the possible impact of Brexit, a range of options still remain open so it is important that we continue to assess and evaluate all the possible outcomes.”