Lawyers Urge PNG Army, Navy, To Allow Free Movement
Subject: Lawyers Urge PNG Army,
Navy, To Allow Free Movement At RPC Lombrun on Manus
Pending Legal Action Monday
Lawyers Urge PNG
Army, Navy, To Allow Free Movement At RPC Lombrun on Manus
Pending Legal Action Monday 6/11/17
The PNG Military has asserted its right to secure the property of RPC Lombrun on Manus Island by enforcing a blockade of the Centre.
The 600 men still living in the Centre have reason to fear that the blockade could lead to hunger, sickness or violence. They are without sufficient food, medication, running water or sanitation. They feel unsafe and vulnerable to violence in the wider Lorengau area of Manus.
The PNG Army, Navy, Police have a duty of care to the asylum seekers. They must respect the human rights of the 600 Men in Lombrun RPC and allow food and medical supplies into the RPC.
The National Justice Project is working with Greg Barns in Australia on the APPLICATION BY: BEHROUZ BOOCHANI to enforce his rights under s 57 if the PNG constitution.
Ben Lomai of Lomai and Lomai is his PNG attorney.
George Newhouse, the Principal Solicitor for
the National Justice Project said that “proceedings had
been commenced by Ben Lomai in the Supreme Court of PNG to
enforce the Constitutional Rights of the asylum seekers, in
order to provide them with basic amenities and necessities
of life, including the provision of water, food,
electricity, sanitation, cleaning, health care and security
services; and to take all necessary steps to send the asylum
seekers to Australia or to a safe and suitable third country
which is capable of offering them a permanent and durable
“That application will be heard in PNG on Monday.”
“The PNG Army, Navy, Police Should Leave the 600 Men in Lombrun RPC alone, in light of this pending legal action, Newhouse concluded.
“This is a case that must be heard by the
PNG Supreme Court because the asylum seekers are pursuing
orders to enforce human rights as provided under the
Constitution. The PNG Supreme Court is expected to
sit with three judges and its decision is final as it is the
highest court in